New Arrivals

Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 24

It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no l...

It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no longer against you! He takes you as you are, and if you trust Him, He gives you the gift of His Spirit and changes you into what He intended you to be. Christianity is not a list of rules. Rule-keeping cannot take you to heaven. Christianity loses the battle when it stakes its right to exist on its ability to produce better ethical behavior. The message of the church is not ethics: it is eternal li...

$39.99 $45.00

Crossing the Wilderness: God Will Lead Us Throu...

God leads us through difficult times to see what is in our hearts. Through these trials, He shows...

God leads us through difficult times to see what is in our hearts. Through these trials, He shows us His adequacy and teaches us to fully rely on Him and His word. In this 2-DVD set, Dr. Gene Scott teaches on many of the promises of God that are ours to claim, which help us through whatever trials we might face. The Lord is our refuge. He is our source of strength, providing exactly what we need for each step of the way. Disc One "Be Thou Strong and Very Courageous" Joshua 3:4, Psalm 46, Psal...

$29.99 $39.98

A Window and a Time for Christ’s Birth

When we examine the biblical and historical data, it’s very clear that December 25th is not Chris...

When we examine the biblical and historical data, it’s very clear that December 25th is not Christ's birthday.  While we’re not obliged to give an exact date, we can narrow it down to a window and a time: more likely a September date between 7 and 6 B.C., fitting into the set times of God. VF-2483.


The Birth of Christ from Two Narratives: Matthe...

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide different details about the birth and early childhood of ...

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide different details about the birth and early childhood of Christ.  By looking to evidence from the Bible and a variety of external sources, we can begin to learn the truth about His birth.  The accounts tell us where He was born and if you read carefully, what time of the year it was.  Jesus was not born at Christmas and the Magi did not visit Him at birth, but later when He was a young child. Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2. VF-2482.


Virgo to Leo: The Last Word Belongs to Christ

Our study of the gospel in the stars concludes with the constellations Gemini through Leo. They d...

Our study of the gospel in the stars concludes with the constellations Gemini through Leo. They depict our union with Christ, our security in Him as His possessions and the ultimate victory of the Lion of Judah over the serpent.  The message of the gospel from beginning to end is written in the stars and He will have the last word. VF-2481.


From Moses to Messiah: The Biblical History of ...

How does one define Judaism? What makes someone Jewish? Why has there always been so much controv...

How does one define Judaism? What makes someone Jewish? Why has there always been so much controversy surrounding the land of Israel? Unfortunately, there has been much confusion and conflation regarding the terms “Israelites,” “Hebrews,” and “Jews.” Also, many traditions are not as ancient as people might think they are. But there are answers to be found in God’s word, which should be studied along with secular history and archaeology. In this series, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., traces how ...

$149.98 $339.83

Repentance: Pulling Down the Strongholds of the...

To repent means to turn from our ways to God’s ways. It is the starting point of our relationship...

To repent means to turn from our ways to God’s ways. It is the starting point of our relationship with Christ. In this 2-DVD set, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., teaches on the necessity of repentance for the Christian walk. When we are exposed to God’s word and recognize the depth of our sin, it ought to have a life-changing impact on us. The Bible says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the ...

$29.99 $39.98

Power to Serve Complete 21-Disc DVD Set

  The Complete set of Power to Serve by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Volume 1 The church at large ...

  The Complete set of Power to Serve by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Volume 1 The church at large has a deep spiritual problem. This problem is rooted in the failure of Christians to realize that they are not their own. In this first volume of the Power to Serve series, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. lays out the right starting point for the Christian walk: recognize that you belong to the Lord and honestly examine your relationship with Him. Have you stopped growing in the body of Christ? Have y...

$179.97 $419.79

Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 23

In this Collection of sermons, Dr. Gene Scott gets to the heart of the God-man relationship. As C...

In this Collection of sermons, Dr. Gene Scott gets to the heart of the God-man relationship. As Christians, we have been called to demonstrate the value of God’s word in our lives. God wants to know if He can trust us to respect His rights and be a good steward of His things. He has proven Himself to be faithful, and He has the right to expect faithfulness from us. Galatians is the apostle Paul’s most passionately written Epistle. Paul strongly opposed anyone who would try to twist Christiani...

$39.99 $45.00

Romans Series 33 Romans 1 Verse 9F

The gospel is the good news about Christ and the good news about Christ is that He blesses throug...

The gospel is the good news about Christ and the good news about Christ is that He blesses through words. Christ's words carry within them the power to affect. Words to heal, words to save, words to change. Romans 1:9F. VF-1189. © Copyright 1999


Your Traditions Have Made Void the Word of God ...

What happened to the church following Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension? The church has d...

What happened to the church following Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension? The church has drifted far from its original mission. Concepts that are nowhere to be found in Scripture started to be added on and introduced as church doctrine. Fast forward to today's church and it is clear that we need to be reminded of why we are Protestants, because we are due for another reformation. Disc 1: Why We Are Protestants Disc 2: God Doesn't Come from Dogma Disc 3: Peter Is NOT the Rock Disc 4: G...

$69.99 $159.92

Galatians: Grace is Not Just a Viewpoint, but t...

The Church is Christ, we’re His body, and He was grace incarnate.  Paul was sent by God to give t...

The Church is Christ, we’re His body, and He was grace incarnate.  Paul was sent by God to give the message from God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ.  God was against us because of our sins.  Grace is a deposit of God’s life in us and is a gift from God to a people that He is no longer against.  Grace is a living deposit of God’s life; a relationship God was willing to restore on the basis of the price paid for sins.  That life nature is a dunamis (dynamite); the power of God unto salvat...
