Dr. Gene Scott Topic: Galatians

Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 24

It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no l...

It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no longer against you! He takes you as you are, and if you trust Him, He gives you the gift of His Spirit and changes you into what He intended you to be. Christianity is not a list of rules. Rule-keeping cannot take you to heaven. Christianity loses the battle when it stakes its right to exist on its ability to produce better ethical behavior. The message of the church is not ethics: it is eternal li...

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Feast of Tabernacles

Dr. Scott teaches on the Tabernacle out of Galatians 6 "God loves the hilarious giver" and giving...

Dr. Scott teaches on the Tabernacle out of Galatians 6 "God loves the hilarious giver" and giving for the right reasons. Galatians 6. S-4565 © Copyright 1998


No One Can Be Justified by Works of the Law

No one can be justified by the works of the Law, and many in the church world want to keep you in...

No one can be justified by the works of the Law, and many in the church world want to keep you in bondage. Don't be intimidated by hypocrisy, for Christ has set us Free! Galatians 2: 1-16. VF-0696 © Copyright 1990


Paul's Message of Grace and Peace

Paul founded the Galatian Church, and he had to counter the Jewish legalists that tried to perver...

Paul founded the Galatian Church, and he had to counter the Jewish legalists that tried to pervert the Gospel message. The most vicious of sins is spiritual pride. Paul had to remind them that salvation is an unmerited gift from God- Grace and Peace from our Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians 1: 1-9. VF-0692 © Copyright 1990   Additional Products on the Subject: Short Lessons from the Big Book by Dr. Gene Scott, Ph.D. Softcover 228 pages (Book Sold Separately)


Galatians: Christ Hath Redeemed Us

Christ by the Promise, bore our sins and Redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and for our Faith...

Christ by the Promise, bore our sins and Redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and for our Faith, God gives us His righteousness. No one but Jesus could perfectly keep the Law. Gal. 3: 10-20. VF-0701


Galatians: Faith is the Only Way

Faith is the only way to please God. Your 'works' will only put you under the curse, there is ...

Faith is the only way to please God. Your 'works' will only put you under the curse, there is no exception. All sins were laid on Christ on the Cross. This walk is by Faith, not works; and no man deserves success in God's eyes until he is willing to fail in man's eyes. Galatians 3: 5-13. VF-0700 © Copyright 1990
