Sunday Service DVD/BluRay

20 Years in the Pulpit: A Journey by Faith

Celebrating 20 years of ministry, this message looks back at a life lived by faith and the making...

Celebrating 20 years of ministry, this message looks back at a life lived by faith and the making of a child of God.  Hebrews 11 memorializes those in the Old Testament that overcame challenges by faith in God. They are to be examples to us to continue in the faith and stay connected to God and His word. Just as God saw the people of the Bible through, so will He see us and this church through. Hebrews 11. VF-2488.


Greed, Giving, and Something In Between

Our attitude towards money says a lot about who we are and how we will be memorialized by God.  O...

Our attitude towards money says a lot about who we are and how we will be memorialized by God.  On one hand, the Bible is replete with references to greed and greedy people.  On the other hand, there are those who were generous, recognized that they were stewards, and managed the things that God gave them responsibly.  This message is a mirror from God’s word to help us reflect on how we want to be remembered. VF-2487.


Jesus Christ Is the Last and Final Passover

The Passover was instituted in the Old Testament as a remembrance of the deliverance of God’s chi...

The Passover was instituted in the Old Testament as a remembrance of the deliverance of God’s children out of Egypt.  It was kept until the last Passover, celebrated by Jesus before His death and resurrection.  Then Christ became our Passover through His finished work at the cross. There are no more Passovers to be celebrated.  Instead, we go to the Table of the Lord in remembrance of Him and what was accomplished through His blood and the resurrection. VF-2486.


Mary Worship: The Corruption that Has Penetrate...

There is no scripture to support the worship of Mary, or the doctrine of the immaculate conceptio...

There is no scripture to support the worship of Mary, or the doctrine of the immaculate conception of Mary which paints her as without original sin.  So how did the Catholic church manage to convince a whole sea of people that this is the truth?  Are Christians just imitating the mother and child worship that is found in every single culture?  The answers to these questions might make you angry, but the truth will set you free. VF-2485.


The Problem with December 25th

A look at church history shows that the date of December 25th came out of pagan traditions that h...

A look at church history shows that the date of December 25th came out of pagan traditions that had nothing to do with Christ. The birth of Christ was the fulfillment of a set time.  A study of the Old Testament shows there are no feasts or set times that occur in the month of December.  In order to fulfill the prophecy of God’s set time, Christ had to be born in September.  A study of Scripture, secular history, and astronomical events provides evidence of a September birth and provides a wi...


Astrology, Mythology and The Bible: The Common...

Astrology and mythology have a common thread that leads you back to the Bible. Each constellation...

Astrology and mythology have a common thread that leads you back to the Bible. Each constellation, Capricorn through Taurus, is a picture of deliverance and holy triumph, revealing the sacrifice of Christ, the pouring out of the Spirit, the spread of the gospel, and the growth of the church. VF-2478.
