Sunday Service 2022

Ephraim and Manasseh: A Nation and a Company of...

The descendants of the tribe of Ephraim migrated into lands such as Parthia and Bactria, but they...

The descendants of the tribe of Ephraim migrated into lands such as Parthia and Bactria, but they eventually spread to Britain. Britain became a seedbed for the spread of Christianity. Just like the meanings of the names of "Ephraim" and "Manasseh," Britain and America started out "fruitful" but have become "forgetful." America needs to follow Christ again, and we need to stand strong in Christ. With God, all things are possible. Genesis 35:11. VF-2369.


Who Belongs to Judah?

When we talk about the North and the South, we're talking about two separate and distinct groups ...

When we talk about the North and the South, we're talking about two separate and distinct groups of people. And when we talk about the people of the South called "Judah" we cannot refer them all as "Jews." Making these distinctions will help us to figure out who belongs to Judah, and also, what happens to the royal line after the last king of Judah is overthrown. VF-2371.


Manasseh: In God We Trust

The descendants of the tribe of Manasseh eventually became the Mercians in England, and ultimatel...

The descendants of the tribe of Manasseh eventually became the Mercians in England, and ultimately the United States of America. As the thirteenth tribe of Israel, Manasseh was the youngest nation to develop when it declared independence from England. It is important that we remember the reason we fought for our freedom and turn back to God. VF-2370.


The Tribe of Zebulun: Pilgrims, Patriots, and P...

The descendants of the tribe of Zebulun are notable for their shipbuilding and mining skills. Man...

The descendants of the tribe of Zebulun are notable for their shipbuilding and mining skills. Many of them settled in Holland and from there spread out to Indonesia, the West Indies and America. They played a great role in preserving and propagating the Bible in print and fighting for religious freedom. VF-2367


Lost Tribes Review: What Does It Mean to Be Jew...

What does it mean to be Jewish? When we talk about Judaism, we need to be clear about what we mea...

What does it mean to be Jewish? When we talk about Judaism, we need to be clear about what we mean. We cannot associate all people who identify as Jewish with the Semitic line, and reviewing these concepts is helpful to understanding the subject of the lost tribes. VF-2362.


Jeremiah in Ireland: Not Who You Think

The line of Judah was blessed with the right to rule and to give laws, and God promised that the ...

The line of Judah was blessed with the right to rule and to give laws, and God promised that the seed of David would always sit on a throne somewhere. That ruling line did not end with Zedekiah; Jeremiah took Zedekiah's daughters to Ireland. But research shows that this did not happen in the time of Ollam Fodhla and Tea Tephi. We must take a closer look at Irish history. VF-2372.
