Pastor Scott's Study Notes

"The Feast of Tabernacles: A Picture of God’s O...

The Feast of Tabernacles was a time to commemorate the forty years of wandering in the wildern...

The Feast of Tabernacles was a time to commemorate the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, but it was also a time of thanksgiving to God. It occurred at harvest time, and when Christ returns, there will be a final harvest of souls. In that future time, those who were against Him will be forced to keep this feast. We should redeem the time that remains. "The Feast of Tabernacles: A Picture of God’s Only Son" Study Notes VF-2403 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes includ...

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"The Sabbath Was Fulfilled in Christ" Study Not...

God intended the Sabbath to be a day of rest in order that man would acknowledge His finished ...

God intended the Sabbath to be a day of rest in order that man would acknowledge His finished work. Under the new covenant, we are “sabbathing” daily when we recognize Christ’s finished work at the cross. We are not meant to perpetuate the ceremonialism of the old dispensation. “The Sabbath Was Fulfilled in Christ” Study Notes VF-2398 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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"The Trespass Offering: Only God Can Forgive" S...

We are born in the condition of sin, and our trespasses are against God. In the Old Testament, Go...

We are born in the condition of sin, and our trespasses are against God. In the Old Testament, God made provision for that through the sin and trespass offerings, which represent Christ. Only God can forgive our trespasses against Him, and His grace and forgiveness can be seen in both the Old and New Testaments. If we are honest with Him and with ourselves, then the real blessings of knowing Christ begin to come. "The Trespass Offering: Only God Can Forgive" Study Notes VF-2397 Some Materials...

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"The Sin Offering: Provision for Our Unintentio...

Pastor Scott juxtaposes the "sweet savor" offerings with the sin offering described in Leviticus ...

Pastor Scott juxtaposes the "sweet savor" offerings with the sin offering described in Leviticus 4. Most people start off thinking God is a killjoy who hates everything, but when we look at the sin offering, we see a different perspective: not only did God take care of our condition of sin, He also made provision for the sins we commit unintentionally. "The Sin Offering: Provision for Our Unintentional Sins" Study Notes VF-2396 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's ar...

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"Christ Is the Firstfruits, and We Are the Harv...

In the Old Testament, God's people were to give Him the firstfruits of their crops with the expec...

In the Old Testament, God's people were to give Him the firstfruits of their crops with the expectancy of a harvest to come. God gave His Son, who is the Firstfruits of the resurrection. We are the harvest, and this harvest of souls will continue until God's last call. "Christ Is the Firstfruits, and We Are the Harvest" Study Notes VF-2400 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.


"The Passover: Old Testament Celebration or New...

We need both the Old and New Testaments to see the full picture of what God was doing when He ins...

We need both the Old and New Testaments to see the full picture of what God was doing when He instituted the Passover. While the Old Testament celebration provided a temporary covering, it could never wash and cleanse us, eradicate all of our past, present, and future sin, and give us eternal life. Those things came through the New Testament revelation in Christ. "The Passover: Old Testament Celebration or New Testament Revelation?" Study Notes VF-2399 Some Materials Referenced in these Study...
