Repentance: Pulling Down the Strongholds of the Enemy 2-Disc DVD Set
To repent means to turn from our ways to God’s ways. It is the starting point of our relationship with Christ. In this 2-DVD set, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., teaches on the necessity of repentance for the Christian walk. When we are exposed to God’s word and recognize the depth of our sin, it ought to have a life-changing impact on us.
The Bible says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” A “stronghold” can be anything that hinders your relationship with God. It is a place where the devil or his minions can hide within the believer. All of us are susceptible. The first step to pulling down strongholds is acknowledging the door was open in the first place.
Disc One
Faith and Repentance: Fix Your Problems with God
September 22, 2024 VF-2464
Disc Two
What Strongholds Hinder You?
September 29, 2024 VF-2465