From Moses to Messiah: The Biblical History of Judaism Complete 17-Disc DVD Set
How does one define Judaism? What makes someone Jewish? Why has there always been so much controversy surrounding the land of Israel? Unfortunately, there has been much confusion and conflation regarding the terms “Israelites,” “Hebrews,” and “Jews.” Also, many traditions are not as ancient as people might think they are. But there are answers to be found in God’s word, which should be studied along with secular history and archaeology.
In this series, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., traces how and when Judaism became a definable religion. Whether you are Christian or Jewish, your faith should be based on God’s written word and historically verifiable facts, not on traditions and man-made dogma.
Volume 1
Disc 1 Unfolding the History of Judaism
Disc 2 Jewish History: Not as Ancient as You Might Think
Disc 3 Were There “Jews” in Egypt at the Time of the Exodus?
Disc 4 Investigating the Origins of Judaism
Disc 5 Matrilineal Descent Is Not Biblical
Disc 6 The Emergence of Judaism
Disc 7 The Crystallization of the Newfound Faith
Disc 8 God Has a Perfect Plan
Disc 9 The Intertestamental History of the Jewish People
Volume 2
Disc 1 The Rejection of Christ
Disc 2 Not All Israel Is of Israel
Disc 3 God Will Have Mercy on Whom He Will
Disc 4 A Remnant Shall Be Saved
Disc 5 You’re Not Born to Desire God
Disc 6 Who Hath Believed Our Report?
Disc 7 Election by Grace Is God’s Prerogative
Disc 8 Complacency and the Departure from the Ways of God