Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
The Circle of Psychology: Our Responsibilities
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Our Responsibilities. The "Circle of Psychology" has three elemen...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Our Responsibilities. The "Circle of Psychology" has three elements to our Nature: the Emotive side (what I Want to do), the Judicial side (what I Ought to do), and the Executive side (what I Will to do). The subconscious emotive side (what I Want to do) of our nature drives us according to the "pleasure principle". The judicial side (what I Ought to do) is formed by outside forces where we are influenced from society about what is accepted behavior. The execu...
Cities of Refuge were established by God, as places of sanctuary. Once inside the gates of that C...
Cities of Refuge were established by God, as places of sanctuary. Once inside the gates of that City, any pursuer could not follow. For the Law gave the right for the family of the victim to seek revenge by pursuing the man-slayer. You should, somewhere in your journey, come to a realization that yours was the same condition as that man-slayer. See yourself as desperate, almost out of strength, knowing that if you don't make it inside that gate to the City, you will not be living another day...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Be of Good Courage- You can't save yourself, you can't be righteo...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Be of Good Courage- You can't save yourself, you can't be righteous enough to make it in, but you can have courage and hang your body on His promise. Look life in the eye and say it no longer has power over you. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life with keys to death, hell, and the grave; so follow Him and get your eyes off of time and onto eternity. Hebrews 6. LF-0046 © Copyright 1977 Additional Products on the Subject: Short Lessons from the Big Book by ...
The Circle of Psychology: God Has a Man
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Circle of Psychology; God has a Man- From the cradle to the grave...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: Circle of Psychology; God has a Man- From the cradle to the grave, Jesus treated this life with only one purpose: my meat is to do the will of the Father that sent me. God put everybody in one man (Adam) who sinned. Because of Adam's sin, death was the result. But now, because the Law's conditions were met, God has the right to put all of us in the new Adam (Christ) and give us the life that Jesus earned. Hebrews 7. LF-0048 © Copyright 1977
Seek the Lord's Opinion, Not Man's
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: The Tabernacle- The Valley of Achor was The Door of Hope. Achen...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: The Tabernacle- The Valley of Achor was The Door of Hope. Achen took what God provided for his own. Joshua 7-8, Hosea 2. LF-0064 © Copyright 1977
Joshua And The Ark Of The Covenant
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Joshua and The Ark of the Covenant. In a...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Joshua and The Ark of the Covenant. In accordance with the Laws of the Offerings, the peace offering and the burnt offering are offered on Mount Ebal (the place of cursing) so that we might have peace with God; Just as Jesus was offered on a cursed tree, the cross of Calvary, that we might have peace with our Heavenly Father. Joshua 8, 9. LF-0065 © Copyright 1977 Additional Products on the Subject: Short Lessons from the Big Book by D...