Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abel- Abel acted in Faith. Cain and Abe...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abel- Abel acted in Faith. Cain and Abel knew the time and place to offer their sacrifices. God established, in the first garment He made for Adam and Eve, that the covering must be the result of sacrificial death, which is why it was the skin of animals. It was not by chance that Abel offered the more excellent sacrifice. Genesis 4, Hebrews 10, 11 . LF-0081 © Copyright 1977
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Enoch- Hebrews 11 is the only chapter in...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Enoch- Hebrews 11 is the only chapter in the Bible where God praises men, and there's every kind of human weakness in that crowd. The only common denominator in Hebrews 11 is when they finally get it together they decide they'll hang in there on God's word no matter what. That faithing action is the only common denominator and God praises them. Hebrews 11, Genesis 5. LF-0082 © Copyright 1977 Additional Products on the Subject: Short...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Noah and the Flood- Noah, through his ob...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Noah and the Flood- Noah, through his obedience to the Word of God, clung in Faith to God. Faith is going one of two directions and there's nothing in between. You either hang the body on God's word (pistis) or on disbelief and doubt (apistis). Faith takes God's roadmap of promises and it seizes on them. Faith hangs onto what God says, no matter what. Hebrews 11. LF-0083 © Copyright 1977
God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham
God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham- In Genesis we read that Abraham pitched his tent and built an alt...
God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham- In Genesis we read that Abraham pitched his tent and built an altar. The tent is an emblem of our earthly residence, our relationship to this earth. The altar signifies our relationship to God. Problems occur when we loose sight of God as our priority. Genesis 12,13; Hebrews 11:8. LF-0084 © Copyright 1978
God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Sarah
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Sarah- Abraham's Faith was t...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Sarah- Abraham's Faith was tried and tested by God; "You and Sarah will have the child of promise." Sarah faithed God for that child. God's word gives the hope; Faith seizes the hope and makes it become a thing of substance. Hebrews 11; Genesis 13,14,15. LF-0085 © Copyright 1978
God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Isaac
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Isaac- God told Abraham to t...
Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Abraham and Isaac- God told Abraham to take Isaac to Mount Moriah and offer him for a burnt offering. It was a three day journey. God, for Abraham's faith, stopped him from offering his son. Several centuries later, in 2Chronicles 3:1, Solomon would build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in Mount Moriah, and it is on that same Mount (Calvary) that our Saviour Christ Jesus would be crucified and be resurrected three days later. Hebrews...