Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

God's Heroes of Faith: Eli & Samuel

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Eli and Samuel. From Samuel's day onward...

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Eli and Samuel. From Samuel's day onward, you find the ministry of the prophet moves along beside the King and with every king there is a prophet and with every king there is a priest. All three set the stage for Jesus to come: who came as King, Prophet, and Priest (all in one). Hebrews 11 Jeremiah 26, I Samuel 2. LF-0106 © Copyright 1978


God's Heroes of Faith: Samuel, Eli and Moses

Samuel was the faithful prophet and priest that God was looking for to replace Eli. Moses represe...

Samuel was the faithful prophet and priest that God was looking for to replace Eli. Moses represents God-ordained leadership. Aaron was the people’s choice. All Aaron does is make excuses for how the molten calf came about while Moses offers to be blotted out if need be in order for his Israelite family to be saved from their sins. Hebrews 11;1 Samuel 1-3; Exodus 32. LF-0107 © Copyright 1978


God's Heroes of Faith: Samuel and Elijah

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Samuel & Elijah- Samuel was a true V...

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews on God's Heroes of Faith: Samuel & Elijah- Samuel was a true Voice of God, and faithfully obeyed God's Word. Elijah cared more about God's honor than himself. Hebrews 11; I Samuel 15,19; Deuteronomy 11:17. LF-0114 © Copyright 1978


God's Heroes of Faith: Elijah's Characteristics...

Elijah's Characteristics: He cared more about God’s honor than himself, he practiced an awareness...

Elijah's Characteristics: He cared more about God’s honor than himself, he practiced an awareness of God’s presence that was the same in the king’s court or the desert, he was willing to act on the written word of God that he already before any special revelation, and he treated the mundane and trivial assignments (widow’s son) the same as the Mt. Carmel assignments. Hebrews 11.  LF-0116 © Copyright 1978


Words Capsulizing Christianity

In this teaching on basic Christianity Dr. Scott expounds on the truth, that God is perfect, righ...

In this teaching on basic Christianity Dr. Scott expounds on the truth, that God is perfect, righteous and just. The Lord has chosen to give grace to those who 'faithe' in His Word. Romans 1:16. LF-0133 © Copyright 1979


The Long Lost, What Might Have Been

"The Long Lost, What Might Have Been"- Once Elijah laid his mantle on Elisha, Elisha's life would...

"The Long Lost, What Might Have Been"- Once Elijah laid his mantle on Elisha, Elisha's life would never be the same. He could have rejected God's call upon his life and return to his home and family, but instead he followed Elijah and served him.  At various points along that journey God tested Elisha's commitment.  We have to ask ourselves, do we really want God's best, do we really want to fulfill our calling? 2 Kings 2; 1 Kings 19. LF-0149 © Copyright 1979
