Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Righteousness: A Gift of God For Faith

God's wrath is against all ungodliness, and all have sinned and fallen short of God's Righteousne...

God's wrath is against all ungodliness, and all have sinned and fallen short of God's Righteousness. We are not to be ashamed of the Gospel,  for it is the power of God unto salvation.  The Righteous by Faith shall Live!  Does that mean that we are free to do as we please? God forbid! We all will stumble, but we are covered by His Grace.    Romans 1:16-18   LF-0167   © Copyright 1980


The Logos and Faith's Vocabulary

Christ became The Logos; the unknown mediator through the Word, becomes known. The Law was given ...

Christ became The Logos; the unknown mediator through the Word, becomes known. The Law was given as a schoolmaster to point us to Christ.  Jesus is the incarnation of that standard.   Romans 1:17.  LF-0164  © Copyright 1980


Paul's Journey to Rome

Paul had many hopes and hindrances on his journey to Rome.  First arrested and then imprisoned, w...

Paul had many hopes and hindrances on his journey to Rome.  First arrested and then imprisoned, when all hope was lost. . . then the Lord Jesus stepped in to encouraged Paul. God preserved Paul's stewardship.   Romans 1, 15; Acts 21,23.  LF-0163    © Copyright 1980


The Righteousness of Faith and The Barrier of Sin

Our sins created a barrier between us and God. A wall of partition, was put up because of sin, fo...

Our sins created a barrier between us and God. A wall of partition, was put up because of sin, forever separating us from the source of life. The Good News of the Gospel is that Christ broke that barrier and through His life and death, we now have access to God.  Romans 1.  LF-0162 © Copyright 1980


Spirituality: The Expressions of The Spirit

Christianity doesn't come by reciting empty words, but by an encounter with the living Christ. Sp...

Christianity doesn't come by reciting empty words, but by an encounter with the living Christ. Spirituality is the expression of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit comes in us on the merits of Christ, and as we yield to Him in faith, His abiding presence will unify us and increase our understanding of the Son of God. Romans 1: 16-17. LF-0161 © Copyright 1980


David's Fall and Restoration

Through the life of David, God displays His grace to the ones that have fallen or failed in their...

Through the life of David, God displays His grace to the ones that have fallen or failed in their calling. David is like most of us who seem to be on the mountain of victory one moment, then in the valley of despair, the next. We learn what to do in that fallen state. . . run home like the prodigal. Hebrews 12; I Samuel 26-30.  LF-0150 © Copyright 1979
