Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
God's Heroes of Faith: Ezekiel (Part 6)
Ezekiel is made a spectacle by God to get the attention of an overfed, over complacent, presumptu...
Ezekiel is made a spectacle by God to get the attention of an overfed, over complacent, presumptuous, eternal security group of God's people to knock their heads. You can tell how much they need the message by how much they squeal when they get hit. Hebrews 11:32; Ezekiel 11-13. LF-0124 © Copyright 1979
God's Heroes of Faith: Ezekiel (Part 5)
The reason real prophets can speak prophetic truths which cut to the very marrow of spiritual bon...
The reason real prophets can speak prophetic truths which cut to the very marrow of spiritual bone is because they identify as shepherds with the people they are trying to deliver. Instead of standing on some pedestal of super spirituality, real prophets get down into the dirt of involvement with the people they have to deliver. Hebrews 11; Ezekiel 10-11. LF-0122 © Copyright 1979
God's Heroes of Faith: Ezekiel (Part 3)
The Book of Ezekiel teaches us that God's prophets need more than visions and God's word, they re...
The Book of Ezekiel teaches us that God's prophets need more than visions and God's word, they require involvement with God's people. Prophets must take upon themselves the burdens and pains of the people they came to deliver. Hebrews 11:32; Ezekiel 3,4. LF-0120 © Copyright 1978
God's Heroes of Faith: Ezekiel (Part 2)
Ezekiel is one of the rare ones, like Jeremiah, who was both a priest and a prophet. He has visi...
Ezekiel is one of the rare ones, like Jeremiah, who was both a priest and a prophet. He has visions but also consumes God's word: typified by a scroll. Most people, even those called to teach by God, want the whirlwind visions and an exciting atmosphere much more than the scroll: the teaching of God's word. Hebrews 11:32; Ezekiel 3,4. LF-0119 © Copyright 1978
God's Heroes of Faith: Ezekiel (Part 1)
It's not always easy to consume God's word, but when we abide in it and quit rebelling and we mak...
It's not always easy to consume God's word, but when we abide in it and quit rebelling and we make God's word the subject and object until we're full of His word: then it becomes sweet as honey. Ezekiel teaches us that it's not the miracle vision experience but the message in God's word that's important. Hebrews 11:32; Ezekiel 1-3. LF-0118 © Copyright 1978
A Thanksgiving Message: When God Says Something...
A national promise has been given to a people that are engraved on the palm of God's hands, provi...
A national promise has been given to a people that are engraved on the palm of God's hands, proving that when God says something, He does it. Isaiah 49. VF-0354. © Copyright 1983