Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Romans Review and Mystery Religions (Part 1)

Any object of Faith, other than God, in the New Testament Greek is called "apistis" (dis-faith). ...

Any object of Faith, other than God, in the New Testament Greek is called "apistis" (dis-faith).  If you want to lose your connection to God, you can dangerously slip into a comfort zone that doesn't require Faith.  Idol worship began in the Mesopotamian Valley when Nimrod turned the peoples' hearts from God's protection to self-sufficiency against the Lord.  Satan comes as an enemy of Truth, to confuse and distort what God has said. The Bible says there's only one mediator between God and ma...


Unmerited Favor vs. Worthless Works

God gives Grace, Unmerited Favor, and he writes His Old and New Testament. He sets the terms and ...

God gives Grace, Unmerited Favor, and he writes His Old and New Testament. He sets the terms and determines how you make it in. Never forget who the Boss is, and never stop having Faith and trust in what He has promised you, as long as your heart is set on Him!  Romans 9, 10. LF-0175   © Copyright 1980


The Gift of God's Righteousness vs. The Self-Ri...

God is not on trial, He can do whatever He wants! All have sinned and fallen short; there is no r...

God is not on trial, He can do whatever He wants! All have sinned and fallen short; there is no reward for 'righteous works'. The bad news is that all our works of righteousness are filthy rags; the Good News is that Faith is the way. And continual acts of faith transfers over to our ledger as 100% righteousness. That is grace from God- unmerited favor; We are no longer held as guilty under the law for our Faith!  Romans 4.  LF-0174   © Copyright 1980  


Grace; God Keeps His Word

Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven; He came to seek the lost. For all have sin...

Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven; He came to seek the lost. For all have sinned, and while we were yet sinners, God loved us!  Our Faith is based upon a loving-confidence in His Word.  Jesus took upon Himself the punishment of death that we all deserved; that is Grace-unmerited favor! Romans 5,7.  LF-0172 © Copyright 1980


Righteousness, Not Self-Righteousness

Our hanging on in Faith to the promises of God is what allows Him to stamp Jesus' perfection on u...

Our hanging on in Faith to the promises of God is what allows Him to stamp Jesus' perfection on us. Paul's letter to the Romans is so complete in its explanation of what pleases God, that if you only had that one epistle, you could make it!  We are covered by Christ's righteousness, not our self-righteousness.  We all fall short, so live your convictions and preach Christ.  Romans 1, 2,4.  LF-0171      © Copyright 1980


Amos- the Voice of a Prophet

Amos- the Voice of a Prophet:  Every ministry comes to a crossroads.  Amos was called to preach t...

Amos- the Voice of a Prophet:  Every ministry comes to a crossroads.  Amos was called to preach to the ten Tribes of Israel and had to address their idolatry and deceptive prosperity. God will not compromise His ways; it is better to ‘fail’ doing it God's way, than to cheapen the Word of God. Amos 1-9.  LF-0170  © Copyright 1980
