Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Let Us Therefore Fear Lest We Substitute Works ...

Let Us Therefore Fear Lest We Substitute Works for Faith- God is looking for Faithers, not perfec...

Let Us Therefore Fear Lest We Substitute Works for Faith- God is looking for Faithers, not perfectionists. All our unrighteousness was placed on Christ, our Mercy Seat is Christ. We can only stand through Faith in His Blood, therefore boasting is excluded. Romans 3,4,8; Hebrews 3,4. LF-0169  © Copyright 1980


All Fall Short… Saved by Faith, Not by Works

All Fall Short...Saved By Faith, Not By Works- The curse and the punishment for our sins, fell on...

All Fall Short...Saved By Faith, Not By Works- The curse and the punishment for our sins, fell on Christ. Through our Faith in the completed work of Christ are we saved; and only by Faith through His Grace do we become new creatures in Christ.  Romans 1, 4-6. LF-0168 © Copyright 1980 


The Nature of Sin and Salvation

The Nature of Sin and Salvation- At the root of all sin is a rebellious tendency to do what we wa...

The Nature of Sin and Salvation- At the root of all sin is a rebellious tendency to do what we want, when we want; like sheep, we all have gone astray. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Who shall deliver us from this death? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto Salvation. By Faith, Christ is formed in your heart. Do you know how He's formed in your mind? Through hard work and study of the Scriptures and with the guidance of the gift ministers. Romans 1:16. ...


Hagios: Sainted and Set Apart

Romans is Paul's most complete statement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Righteousness by Faith...

Romans is Paul's most complete statement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Righteousness by Faith. Three New Testament books by Paul are part of the phrase: "The just shall live by Faith". Holiness, or "Hagios" in the Greek, is the most misunderstood and misrepresented word in the New Testament; it has to do with possession and commitment. If you're not a saint, you are not a Christian because they are synonymous words. You are holy because you have given yourself to Him so that He might begi...


God’s Favor To Those Who Enjoy His Work

From Psalm 102 we are taught that God has set times for His church.  When God’s people “take plea...

From Psalm 102 we are taught that God has set times for His church.  When God’s people “take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof," God's blessing will come upon ones such as these.  Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 102. LF-0157 © Copyright 1979


The Book of Hebrews: Motivating Faith

A primary goal of the Book of Hebrews is motivating faith. Faith is not dependent upon its result...

A primary goal of the Book of Hebrews is motivating faith. Faith is not dependent upon its results. The results of faith can strengthen one’s faith the next time around, but faith itself holds on regardless of the outcome. God only recognizes one kind of faith: That which makes God and His faithfulness to His word the object. Hebrews 11,12; Romans 5. LF-0154 © Copyright 1979
