
"I Will Make You Fishers of Men"

Jesus called the first four 'fish' (Peter, Andrew, James and John) to follow Him and He would mak...

Jesus called the first four 'fish' (Peter, Andrew, James and John) to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men, so He will do with us. We need only to faithe in His completed work, be separated for His calling, abide in Him and obey the voice of the sayer and He will make us something we are not; lights in a dark world. Matthew 4:19. VF-1813


"I Will Sing Unto the Lord"

Dr. Scott teaches on Moses at the Red Sea, and Moses' Faith saved the people. We will herald the ...

Dr. Scott teaches on Moses at the Red Sea, and Moses' Faith saved the people. We will herald the Song of the redeemed: The Lord is my strength and song and He has become my salvation. Exodus 15, Ezra, Psalm 118, Isaiah 10. VF-0094 © Copyright 1978   Additional Products on the Subject: Short Lessons from the Big Book by Dr. Gene Scott, Ph.D. Softcover 228 pages (Book Sold Separately)


"In God Have I Put My Trust"

In God Have I Put My Trust: David is blinded by fear and running from Saul, although God is tryin...

In God Have I Put My Trust: David is blinded by fear and running from Saul, although God is trying to get his attention. David flees to the King of Gath, where he takes Goliath's sword and acts like a mad man in the King's presence. Psalm 56 was written by David while running for fear of his life, and hiding in the Cave Adullam. Finally, he turns to God; "Even though I'm scared, I will grab hold of and lean on God". The circumstances have not changed but David shifts his focus onto God, th...


"It is Finished"

The precursor to The Resurrection. Jesus fulfilled all the promises and prophecies concerning Him...

The precursor to The Resurrection. Jesus fulfilled all the promises and prophecies concerning Himself in the flesh, the sacrifices of the law, satisfaction for sin, perfect obedience and the power of sin and death. All these things put the exclamation marks on His words, "It is finished." John 19:30. VF-1865   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 


"Mercy for the Trip" Study Notes VF-2140

With a true pastor’s heart, Jude wrote his epistle to address false teaching and apostasy that wa...

With a true pastor’s heart, Jude wrote his epistle to address false teaching and apostasy that was creeping into the church. His opening prayer was for “mercy,” something beyond grace that is needed in the midst of trying circumstances. The church today needs God’s mercy as we behold the church at large now blatantly rejecting God’s plan for humankind. As we contend for the faith, He will see us through. Pastor Scott Study Notes for "Mercy for the Trip" VF-2140 Some Materials Referenced in th...

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"Moses Is a Type of Christ; Honor Your Father a...

Through the Scriptures, we can see parallels between Moses and Jesus, including their mothers. Jo...

Through the Scriptures, we can see parallels between Moses and Jesus, including their mothers. Jochebed risked everything to protect her child, Moses. Mary dealt with the frustration of not understanding her son, Jesus. She also suffered as she watched Him be crucified. Our parents are not perfect, but God chose them for us and we should honor them. Honoring our earthly parents help us to understand how we should relate to our heavenly Father. "Moses Is a Type of Christ; Honor Your Father and...
