Teaching from Jeremiah showing God's divine delight, His disgust and distress with His people, an...
Teaching from Jeremiah showing God's divine delight, His disgust and distress with His people, and the application to the modern church. Begin taking the steps back, acknowledge your guilt before God, turn back to Him. The message is the same: God's grace to an unfaithful people, His call of repentance and the promise, partake of the living waters and you'll never thirst again. Jeremiah 2:13 Disc 2 of 2 in the Jeremiah series VF-1828 Additional Products on the Subject: Nehemiah: Man’s Place...
"Peter is NOT the Rock" Study Notes VF-2410
The Greek grammar makes it clear that Jesus did not say He would build the church upon Pete...
The Greek grammar makes it clear that Jesus did not say He would build the church upon Peter; He said He would build it on Peter’s declaration, “Thou art the Christ.” The church was never meant to perpetuate the practices of the synagogues or to graft on traditions out of paganism. The dogmas of man have led people away from what God intended the church to be. "Peter is NOT the Rock" Study Notes VF-2410 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.
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"The Ark and the Mercy Seat: God's Plan to Dwel...
From the beginning, God had a plan to dwell with man. And before the coming of Christ, God gracio...
From the beginning, God had a plan to dwell with man. And before the coming of Christ, God graciously provided a picture to show us the way of salvation, and the way back into His presence. This is clearly seen in two pieces of furniture within the Old Testament Tabernacle: the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. "The Ark and the Mercy Seat: God's plan to Dwell with Man" Study Notes VF-2389 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.
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"The Burnt Offering and Christ’s Acceptance of ...
In the Old Testament, the offerings given in the Tabernacle teach us about Christ and our rela...
In the Old Testament, the offerings given in the Tabernacle teach us about Christ and our relationship to Him. The burnt offering had to be perfect and voluntary. It was wholly consumed and ascended as a “sweet savor” unto God. Christ gave Himself as the perfect offering. He accepted us when He died on the cross. We are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto God. "The Burnt Offering and Christ’s Acceptance of Us" Study Notes VF-2394 Some Materials Referenced i...
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"The Candlestick in the Tabernacle: God's Testi...
The Golden candelstick in the Tabernacle represented Christ's death and Resurrection. It provided...
The Golden candelstick in the Tabernacle represented Christ's death and Resurrection. It provided light in a dark place, illuminating all the other activities in the Holy Place. The oil represented the Holy Spirit, and the wicks represented the saints. God gives us the opportunity to participate joyfully in service to Him, and this requires fresh dedication each day. "The Candlestick in the Tabernacle: God's Testimony of Light" VF-2386 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including ...
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"The Feast of Tabernacles: A Picture of God’s O...
The Feast of Tabernacles was a time to commemorate the forty years of wandering in the wildern...
The Feast of Tabernacles was a time to commemorate the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, but it was also a time of thanksgiving to God. It occurred at harvest time, and when Christ returns, there will be a final harvest of souls. In that future time, those who were against Him will be forced to keep this feast. We should redeem the time that remains. "The Feast of Tabernacles: A Picture of God’s Only Son" Study Notes VF-2403 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes includ...
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