
"The High Priest's Breastplate: We Are Written ...

In a beautiful picture of grace from the Old Testament, we see God's care for His children in the...

In a beautiful picture of grace from the Old Testament, we see God's care for His children in the stones on the breastplate of judgement. Combining the value of the stones with the meaning of each family name engraved on them, we see that God is not looking at our past mistakes and failures. He loves us, imperfect as we are, and our names are written on His heart. "The High Priest's Breastplate: We Are Written on God's Heart" Study Notes VF-2392 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes ...

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"The Meal and Peace Offerings" Study Notes VF-2395

There were five offerings prescribed in the Old Testament: the burnt offering, the meat/meal offe...

There were five offerings prescribed in the Old Testament: the burnt offering, the meat/meal offering, and the sin and trespass offerings. God went into great detail when describing the Old Testament offerings. In this message, we focus on the meat/meal and peace offerings and gain insight about the mind of God and what matters to Him. "The Meal and Peace Offerings" Study Notes VF-2395 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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"The Meaning of the Silver in the Tabernacle" S...

God commanded Moses to take up an offering from those who would willingly give, so the Tabernacle...

God commanded Moses to take up an offering from those who would willingly give, so the Tabernacle could be built. The riches of the world were taken out of the world and applied to the work of God. The silver given as ransom money was used to make certain elements in the Tabernacle and to make the silver trumpets that called the people to worship and to march to war. "The Meaning of the Silver in the Tabernacle" Study Notes VF-2390 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD'...

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"The Passover: Old Testament Celebration or New...

We need both the Old and New Testaments to see the full picture of what God was doing when He ins...

We need both the Old and New Testaments to see the full picture of what God was doing when He instituted the Passover. While the Old Testament celebration provided a temporary covering, it could never wash and cleanse us, eradicate all of our past, present, and future sin, and give us eternal life. Those things came through the New Testament revelation in Christ. "The Passover: Old Testament Celebration or New Testament Revelation?" Study Notes VF-2399 Some Materials Referenced in these Study...


"The Sabbath Was Fulfilled in Christ" Study Not...

God intended the Sabbath to be a day of rest in order that man would acknowledge His finished ...

God intended the Sabbath to be a day of rest in order that man would acknowledge His finished work. Under the new covenant, we are “sabbathing” daily when we recognize Christ’s finished work at the cross. We are not meant to perpetuate the ceremonialism of the old dispensation. “The Sabbath Was Fulfilled in Christ” Study Notes VF-2398 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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"The Sin Offering: Provision for Our Unintentio...

Pastor Scott juxtaposes the "sweet savor" offerings with the sin offering described in Leviticus ...

Pastor Scott juxtaposes the "sweet savor" offerings with the sin offering described in Leviticus 4. Most people start off thinking God is a killjoy who hates everything, but when we look at the sin offering, we see a different perspective: not only did God take care of our condition of sin, He also made provision for the sins we commit unintentionally. "The Sin Offering: Provision for Our Unintentional Sins" Study Notes VF-2396 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's ar...

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