Sunday Service 2021
Sabbathing: From Creation to Christianity
God’s Sabbath was when He rested from all His work on the seventh day of Creation, but the term ...
God’s Sabbath was when He rested from all His work on the seventh day of Creation, but the term “sabbath” is first used when God gave the children of Israel a day to rest from their work, which turned into a commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt. The sabbathing of the Christian is not limited to a single day, but is a relationship of trusting Christ every day. Colossians 2:16. Disc 17 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 2. VF-2293
Let No One Rob You of Your Reward
What happened at the church in Colossae is still happening in the church today: adding onto the ...
What happened at the church in Colossae is still happening in the church today: adding onto the simplicity of the gospel. All of these add-ons seem to be super spiritual, like the worshiping of angels and marvelous visions, but in reality they’re fake, and all they do is distract. Let no one rob you of your reward which comes by simple faith in Jesus Christ, cultivating a personal relationship with Him in the here and now. Colossians 2:18-19. Disc 18 in the current series: Colossians Chapter...
Since we are buried, dead and resurrected with Christ and set free from the law by Him, why woul...
Since we are buried, dead and resurrected with Christ and set free from the law by Him, why would we stand by and let ourselves get dogmatized and be put under regulations by man? There is a long list of traditions that man has added on to the church, but they are not the word of God. Having a relationship with God is not keeping regulations but trusting Him and talking to Him. Colossians 2:20-21. Disc 19 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 2. VF-2295
We are dead, buried, and raised up with Christ; these are the steps of regeneration and salvatio...
We are dead, buried, and raised up with Christ; these are the steps of regeneration and salvation. In identifying with Christ’s death, we die to self, to the things of the world, and to the law. If we seek the things which are above and set our affections there, we will be focused on Christ and not on the things added onto the church by man. Colossians 3:1-3. Disc 1 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 3. VF-2296
Mortify Therefore Your Members
Do not take the practical application of Colossians 3 out of context and turn it into legalism. ...
Do not take the practical application of Colossians 3 out of context and turn it into legalism. Mortifying the flesh does not mean you can fix your problems through will-worship. You must address to the Spirit the sins you grapple with. Stay connected in identity with Christ: you are either living in Christ and in the Spirit or you are living out of Christ and in the flesh. Colossians 3:5-7. Disc #2 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3. VF-2297
What Brings On the Wrath of God?
God loves His children, but His wrath is provoked when people, in rebellion, fail to acknowledge...
God loves His children, but His wrath is provoked when people, in rebellion, fail to acknowledge Him. There are consequences to sin. We were all children of disobedience, but Christ bore the wrath that was due us, and we are covered when we put our trust in Him. The outpouring of God's wrath lets us know that our trust is not in vain and His word will stand. Colossians 3:6-7. Disc #3 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3. VF-2298