Sunday Service 2021
The Symbolism of the Meat Offering
Looking at the symbolism of the meat offering helps us to understand the “how” of Colossians 2:1...
Looking at the symbolism of the meat offering helps us to understand the “how” of Colossians 2:14: how Christ blotted out the handwriting of ordinances and nailed them to His cross, and how we being in Christ's finished work are no longer under the law but free in Christ, and free to worship Him! Colossians 2:14; Leviticus 2. Disc 11 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 2. VF-2287
The Peace Offering: Our Communion and Fellowshi...
The peace offering symbolized God's provision for mankind to have communion and fellowship with ...
The peace offering symbolized God's provision for mankind to have communion and fellowship with Him. It had to come after the burnt and meal offerings so that we could first understand what Christ had to do before we could even have fellowship with God. Most people do not have the mindset of the peace offering when they give, thinking they have no responsibilities; it gives God joy when we willingly stay to have communion with Him after we've done our stewardship duties. Colossians 2:14; Lev...
The Sin and Trespass Offerings Point to Christ
The sin and trespass offerings were God’s dispensation in the Old Testament to address the peopl...
The sin and trespass offerings were God’s dispensation in the Old Testament to address the people’s fallen condition, our need for purification, and the individual acts of wrongdoing that are the fruit of this condition. But as with all the other offerings, they were shadows and types pointing to Christ. God had Christ in mind from the beginning, and because of His sacrifice, we have a new dispensation if we trust in Him and the efficacy of His finished work. Colossians 2:14; Leviticus 4. D...
Our Spiritual Foes Disarmed at the Cross
If we’re still not sure that Christ did everything and that we are complete in Him, Colossians 2...
If we’re still not sure that Christ did everything and that we are complete in Him, Colossians 2:15 rightly translated shows us that there was nothing left undone. God disarmed our spiritual foes at the cross! That doesn’t mean that they're powerless, but rather that all of the attempts to prevent Christ from going to the cross were thwarted. And as Christ was victorious, so are we! Colossians 2:15. Disc 14 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 2. VF-2290
Let No Man Judge You, You Are Free in Christ
Most people today view religion as a set of rules and regulations they have to keep, but this is...
Most people today view religion as a set of rules and regulations they have to keep, but this is not the message of the New Testament. We are told to let no on judge us in what we do or don’t do, as well as not to judge others who are weak in their faith or understanding. The law was given to set people apart for God’s purpose, but we have a better covenant now in Jesus Christ. We are not under the curse of the law anymore, so why would anyone want to go back under it? Colossians 2:16-17. Di...
The Sabbath Day Was Nailed to the Cross
Let no man judge you regarding the keeping of the Sabbath and holidays. We have many traditions,...
Let no man judge you regarding the keeping of the Sabbath and holidays. We have many traditions, even those reflected in our calendar, that come to us out of pagan sun and moon worship. Traditions that have nothing to do with Scripture should not be part of the church. There is also no reason to keep Old Testament Sabbath practices, because we have a new form of Sabbath rest in the finished work of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17. Disc 16 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 2. VF-2292