From Moses to Messiah: The Biblical History of Judaism
In the book of Romans, Paul looks to the prophet Isaiah’s declaration about the children of Israe...
In the book of Romans, Paul looks to the prophet Isaiah’s declaration about the children of Israel and proclaims that a remnant shall be saved, but not all. He addresses Jews that thought their salvation was automatic. They could not accept that Christ was the end of the law and that the gentiles could be saved without it. God wants trust, not perfection and for that trust there is eternal salvation through Him. Romans 9. VF-2428.
Not all the Jews rejected Christ, but many of the spiritual leaders were against Him because they...
Not all the Jews rejected Christ, but many of the spiritual leaders were against Him because they had no spiritual discernment and they perceived Him as a threat to their position. There were also many people who only followed Jesus for self-serving reasons. The rejection of Christ was foretold by God and there are still many people today who will not hear. The Apostle Paul is an example of one called by God, who rejected Christ until God turned him around. In the end, God will have those ...
The Crystallization of the Newfound Faith
The practices and identity of the Jewish people began to crystallize after their return from exil...
The practices and identity of the Jewish people began to crystallize after their return from exile in Babylon. They began to strictly enforce the law and to separate themselves from the ways of the foreigners who ruled over them. This period also saw the addition of new laws and holidays, which the Jewish people strictly adhered to. They developed a national spirit and fought to protect their religion. VF-2422.
The Jewish identity and practices of Judaism did not begin to emerge until after the return from ...
The Jewish identity and practices of Judaism did not begin to emerge until after the return from Babylonian captivity. Although the priesthood had maintained certain practices and preserved the Hebrew tongue, most of the population had forgotten these things. During this time there were waves of religious zeal as well as disobedience among the people. VF-2421.
God Will Have Mercy on Whom He Will
Why do some Jews still reject Christ? God has the right to choose whom He will save, whom He wil...
Why do some Jews still reject Christ? God has the right to choose whom He will save, whom He will show mercy, and whom He will reward. He also has the right to choose whom He will not. Don't assume you know which is which. Romans 9:15-26. VF-2427.
Complacency and the Departure from the Ways of God
Do not take your salvation for granted and get complacent lest you engage in spiritual pride. It...
Do not take your salvation for granted and get complacent lest you engage in spiritual pride. It takes vigilance to stay by the stuff. In the Old Testament the children of Israel drifted away repeatedly and much of the church in America today has departed from the ways of God, but there is still time to return to Him. He promises a new covenant in which He will put His law in our hearts and forgive our iniquity. To those who take Him at His word and trust Him, He will be merciful. Romans ...