From Moses to Messiah: The Biblical History of Judaism

Not All Israel Is of Israel

Many in Christ’s day believed that because they had the covenants, the promises, and the law that...

Many in Christ’s day believed that because they had the covenants, the promises, and the law that they didn’t need salvation. Although they were anticipating a Messiah, they rejected Christ and everything He had to say. Paul makes it clear as to “why” in the book of Romans: not all Israel is of Israel. Some people known as “Israel” had the capacity to respond to Christ. Many did not. The same is true today, and until God gives the capacity, no one can receive. VF-2426.


The Intertestamental History of the Jewish People

God has a plan for the future of the land of Israel, when He will reunite the people of the North...

God has a plan for the future of the land of Israel, when He will reunite the people of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. But we must also understand the history that shaped Judaism from the time of the exile to the fall of Jerusalem. God is not done with the Jewish people. VF-2424.


God Has a Perfect Plan

The ugly picture that God paints through the prophecies of Ezekiel helps us to understand just ho...

The ugly picture that God paints through the prophecies of Ezekiel helps us to understand just how low the children of Israel, specifically the southern kingdom of Judah, had fallen before they were carried into Babylonian captivity. They also show us God's perfect plan for the future restoration of Israel, both northern and southern kingdom. VF-2423.


Matrilineal Descent Is Not Biblical

Every Jew that you encounter today will say that the mother must be Jewish in order for her child...

Every Jew that you encounter today will say that the mother must be Jewish in order for her child to be Jewish, yet there is no scriptural validation for this doctrine. Furthermore, the Biblical genealogies show that God focused on the father, not the mother.  So, why is this error of matrilineal descent held by so many Jews today? And what makes a Jew a Jew? VF-2420.


Investigating the Origins of Judaism

The idea that all descendants of Abraham are Jewish is wrong. The Bible says Abraham was the fath...

The idea that all descendants of Abraham are Jewish is wrong. The Bible says Abraham was the father of many nations, not just one. One of the seeds descending from him were a covenant line, but they were not always obedient to God, and they comingled with pagans. The idea that people are Jewish by matrilineal descent is not based off God's word. VF-2419.


You’re Not Born to Desire God

A lot of churches today present the message of “special sinners” or a “special way of salvation” ...

A lot of churches today present the message of “special sinners” or a “special way of salvation” and neither one of those is biblical.  None of us are born to desire God, and none of us have “special sins.”  We’re all born with a dark heart.  We’re all sinners in need of salvation.  We cannot save ourselves, and we must recognize that salvation doesn’t come by doing good deeds, or hearing words from a minister that make us “feel good.”  It comes by hearing the words of faith. Romans 10. VF-2429.
