Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
Are you fretting? Ask yourself: Is the Lord trustworthy? He will give us the desires of our heart...
Are you fretting? Ask yourself: Is the Lord trustworthy? He will give us the desires of our heart if we desire and love Him the most. Are you willing to commit your way to the Lord? When you do, remember to rest and wait patiently as He goes to work on every problem. He orders the steps of every good man or woman, and He never leaves nor forsakes us even though we stumble. If you want God's will, it's harder to get out of God's will than to stay in it. Psalm 37. VF-0502 © Copyright 1986
When You're In Darkness, Trust In the Name of God
When darkness comes, instead of instinctively trying to light our own fires, pause a minute and t...
When darkness comes, instead of instinctively trying to light our own fires, pause a minute and trust God. Otherwise, if we deliver ourselves with our own light instead of God's light, what we get from God's hand is in Isaiah 50. Isaiah 50. VF-0501. © Copyright 1986
Romans Series 13 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 4G
The same life that raised Christ from the dead is the same life He gives to us for faith. We have...
The same life that raised Christ from the dead is the same life He gives to us for faith. We have a part payment or first fruits of what shall be our nature in the eternities to come. The power of this nature is such that we are changed progressively from glory to glory into that same image, being Jesus. Romans 1:4. VF-1169. © Copyright 1999
Free by the Promise and "Bleeped" by the Law
There is no greater purpose from Faith Center than the declaration of war in Galatians 5: Stand f...
There is no greater purpose from Faith Center than the declaration of war in Galatians 5: Stand fast in the liberty by which Christ has set us free and resist the entanglements of the children of bondage who will forever persecute those born of the Spirit. Galatians 4, 5. VF-0498. © Copyright 1986
"As thy day so shall thy strength be" means the God of our daily strength gives us just enough to...
"As thy day so shall thy strength be" means the God of our daily strength gives us just enough to "faithe" through it and also provides a way of escape. The "eternal God" of Deuteronomy 33:27 is the God of the forefront and is our safety and shelter. He is already in the future working everything out to take care of us. His everlasting arms will reach down to catch us no matter how far down we fall. Deuteronomy 33. VF-0500. © Copyright 1986.
"Lift up now thine eyes" means you can start over. When you pursue a promise of God and there is ...
"Lift up now thine eyes" means you can start over. When you pursue a promise of God and there is a spiritual breakthrough, watch out: then comes the test and famine. But know that faith is the title deed, and you own all the blessings that flow from God's promise, whether you see it here and now or not. Genesis 13. VF-0499. © Copyright 1986.