Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
The Resurrection (Part 2): Facts and Theories f...
In this second part of a three part Resurrection series, Dr. Scott goes through the eight assumpt...
In this second part of a three part Resurrection series, Dr. Scott goes through the eight assumptions made before discussing the proofs of Christ’s resurrection and the eight most common theories to explain the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: He arose after a Roman crucifixion, He ascended back to heaven several weeks after, and His future victorious return to gather His faithful followers! VF-0531.
The Resurrection (Part 1): The Start of Christi...
Jesus is either a nut or a fraud if He didn't come out of the tomb. He thought He was perfect, se...
Jesus is either a nut or a fraud if He didn't come out of the tomb. He thought He was perfect, seated all authority in Himself, talked about heaven like He had lived there, made Himself the center of the universe, and said there is something wrong with all of humankind that could only be put right by His death. VF-0530.
Trusting the Giver Rather than the Gift
God's purpose is to teach us faith therefore He leads us, in constant change, into valleys. Bless...
God's purpose is to teach us faith therefore He leads us, in constant change, into valleys. Blessed men and women go through the valleys and turn them into a place of springs. The blessed state that will never change comes to that man or woman who can keep a fix on the fact that the blessing is based on God, not what He gives us. Elijah personified this blessed state, as he never forgot the presence of God. That's the promise we have: no matter the circumstance, God is with us. 1 Kings 17; ...
Shoes of Iron and Brass - Tough Shoes, Tough Trip!
"The eternal God" in Deuteronomy 33:27 is better translated, "the God of the forefront." Tomorrow...
"The eternal God" in Deuteronomy 33:27 is better translated, "the God of the forefront." Tomorrow may be a surprise to us, but it's not a surprise to God. No matter how many times we may fail or how far we fall, God's everlasting arms are underneath to catch us and help us get back on track. Deuteronomy 33. VF-0522.
God Saves Him Who Worketh Not, But Acts On a Pr...
Abram was at a low point in Genesis 13 when the Lord came to him and said, “Lift up now thine eye...
Abram was at a low point in Genesis 13 when the Lord came to him and said, “Lift up now thine eyes” and then to “Arise, walk through the land”. God made a promise to Abram. When Abram acted on God's promise, that faithful obedience was taken as righteousness by God. Romans 4 makes it clear that we are not justified by works but when we "faithe" in God and His word. That faith is accounted unto us as righteousness and we are justified before our Father as if we are Christ. VF-0528. © Copyright...
The Good News, Blessed Men Go Through
“Blessed” in Psalm 84:5 is a state that never wavers and never deviates; this is a promised state...
“Blessed” in Psalm 84:5 is a state that never wavers and never deviates; this is a promised state where the blessing quality never changes. The life of faith is always a journey while we are here on earth. Traditional Christianity would have us believe that grief only comes to those out of God’s will, but Psalm 84 makes it clear that those same “blessed” ones will go through valleys of weeping, and go from strength to strength. Psalm 84. VF-0525. © Copyright 1987