Your Stewardship

Giving: Spiritual Warfare of a Different Kind

Taking concepts from previous teaching - Truth, Righteousness, Gospel and Shield of Faith and rel...

Taking concepts from previous teaching - Truth, Righteousness, Gospel and Shield of Faith and relating them to the battleground of giving to show: when God gives you a gift, you respond by paying the teacher. Matthew 6:1-4 VF-1972   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 


Giving in Unity with Christ

Through our faith and an understanding of our salvation, we are united with Christ. Once we under...

Through our faith and an understanding of our salvation, we are united with Christ. Once we understand what we have been given, we know the debt we owe. Galatians 6:6 VF-1986   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 


Well Doing Is the Toil of Sowing

The teacher jointly participates in the word with the students, the students jointly participate ...

The teacher jointly participates in the word with the students, the students jointly participate in all good things with the teacher. This is a Koinonia community that is toiling and sowing until the reaping of the harvest at the end of the world. Galatians 6:6-9, Matthew 13. VF- 1941   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 


His Ownership; Your Stewardship

Exposure to the facts of Christianity will change you. That change brings an acknowledgement of H...

Exposure to the facts of Christianity will change you. That change brings an acknowledgement of His ownership in your life and your responsibility with what God has blessed you with. Matthew 25:14-30 - VF-1942   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 


Giving Is a Spiritual Aspect of Your Faith

Giving is a form of worship, and it is intrinsically tied to your faith. You are either a person ...

Giving is a form of worship, and it is intrinsically tied to your faith. You are either a person who would hold something back from God or a person who has been changed by Him and gives without coercion. Don't get puffed up in pride over your giving. God wants you to give with your heart and to have an authentic relationship with Him. God will bless you in intangible ways, and He will not forsake you. VF-2331


Now Concerning The Collection

The Great Commission encompasses teaching the full Gospel message, including the woman with the a...

The Great Commission encompasses teaching the full Gospel message, including the woman with the alabaster box, who gave her best in response to Him. We should not give because of need; giving is the highest form of worship. God lets us participate in His plan of salvation and redemption for mankind through the act of giving. A very high honor indeed! 1 Corinthians 16. VF-1734   Explore God's Word with Pastor Melissa Scott in Pastor's Library - click the link below:   Pastor's Library 
