The Book of Colossians Series

Pastor Scott's series on the Book of Colossians.

Identification with Christ

We are dead, buried, and raised up with Christ; these are the steps of regeneration and salvatio...

We are dead, buried, and raised up with Christ; these are the steps of regeneration and salvation. In identifying with Christ’s death, we die to self, to the things of the world, and to the law. If we seek the things which are above and set our affections there, we will be focused on Christ and not on the things added onto the church by man. Colossians 3:1-3. Disc 1 in the current series: Colossians Chapter 3. VF-2296


Mortify Therefore Your Members

Do not take the practical application of Colossians 3 out of context and turn it into legalism. ...

Do not take the practical application of Colossians 3 out of context and turn it into legalism. Mortifying the flesh does not mean you can fix your problems through will-worship. You must address to the Spirit the sins you grapple with. Stay connected in identity with Christ: you are either living in Christ and in the Spirit or you are living out of Christ and in the flesh.  Colossians 3:5-7. Disc #2 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3.  VF-2297  


What Brings On the Wrath of God?

God loves His children, but His wrath is provoked when people, in rebellion, fail to acknowledge...

God loves His children, but His wrath is provoked when people, in rebellion, fail to acknowledge Him. There are consequences to sin. We were all children of disobedience, but Christ bore the wrath that was due us, and we are covered when we put our trust in Him. The outpouring of God's wrath lets us know that our trust is not in vain and His word will stand.  Colossians 3:6-7. Disc #3 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3.  VF-2298  


The Miracle of Christianity: Transformation by ...

 The goal for Christians is not to check off boxes on a list of sins you work at fixing. It’s no...

 The goal for Christians is not to check off boxes on a list of sins you work at fixing. It’s not even trying to be a better person. All of these things are disdainful to God. The goal for Christians is to be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ. And how do you do that? Stop trying! The miracle of Christianity is transformation by faith, not by your efforts in the flesh, but by faith in Jesus Christ!  Colossians 3:5-9. Disc #4 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3.  VF-2299  


Being Renewed in the Knowledge of God

God is renewing our minds, giving us knowledge of Him that will benefit us in our faith walk. It ...

God is renewing our minds, giving us knowledge of Him that will benefit us in our faith walk. It begins to change our desires, and we recognize the reality of our former state in Adam and our new standing in Christ. In Him, the cultural and social distinctions that were once barriers are broken down. We are all one body in Christ, growing in the knowledge of Him.  Colossians 3:10-11. Disc #5 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3.  VF-2300  


Chosen, Set Apart, and Loved

Christ has broken down the barriers of the old dispensation, so now we have to learn to function...

Christ has broken down the barriers of the old dispensation, so now we have to learn to function as a society, in Christ.  We are chosen, separated, and loved by God, so we must act like it.  Paul tells us to clothe ourselves in the attributes that come from God: compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and longsuffering.  Only then can we put up with one another and be a cohesive body of believers in Christ. Colossians 3:12-13. Disc #6 in the Current Series Colossians Chapter 3.  VF-2301 ...
