Sunday Service 2018
Stewardship: Don't Neglect the Gifts Given to You
Stewardship is recognition that there is an owner other than the steward, and the steward is resp...
Stewardship is recognition that there is an owner other than the steward, and the steward is responsible and accountable to the owner for those things entrusted to him. The Owner is God, and we are to redeem the time and make use of the life and the gifts God has given us for the furtherance of His kingdom. VF-2130
Setting the Record Straight: The Battle to Perp...
Extensive material evidence exists to prove what Dr. Scott's will was for the use of his copyrigh...
Extensive material evidence exists to prove what Dr. Scott's will was for the use of his copyrighted teaching. A legal battle has been going on with a man who has been propagating hatred against this ministry and airing unedited recordings of Dr. Scott's teaching on tertiary subjects without permission. These programs require proper editing for several reasons, including fair use violations and reconciliation with other preachers, and only represent a small fraction of what Dr. Scott taught. ...
Return and Rest: God's Strength in Adversity an...
Instead of following the Lord, at times we get ahead of and far away from Him, trying to solve ou...
Instead of following the Lord, at times we get ahead of and far away from Him, trying to solve our problems our way. Using the oppression of Israel by the Assyrian Empire as an illustration, we see that God allows adversity and affliction to come into our lives to get us to listen to His voice, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." God is in control; He will deliver us mightily, and if we return to Him and rest in quietness and in confidence, He will be our strength. Isaiah 30:15-21. This...
Our approach to salvation is not complicated, but without facing our fallen nature, we are withou...
Our approach to salvation is not complicated, but without facing our fallen nature, we are without remedy. From a verse that seems out of place in Psalm 34, we can see the approach to God in its full simplicity. When we stop looking at the darkness of our circumstances and start fixing our eyes on Christ and what He has done for us, we are lifted up and made radiant. No matter what the world throws our way, we can stand unashamed when we look to unto Him. Psalm 34:5. VF-2121
Everlasting and Eternal: Safety in God's Arms
The God who is, was and shall be does not change and is with us always. Whether we are at a high ...
The God who is, was and shall be does not change and is with us always. Whether we are at a high or a low and regardless of whether we can perceive God, we can take refuge by trusting in Him. God's untiring arms are always underneath us to rescue us even from our lowest lows. The Hebrew words, qedem and olam, brought together indicate the totality of God in all forums at all times working in our lives. Deuteronomy 33:27. VF-2129