Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Recent Sunday Services

Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. most recent Sunday Service messages available on DVD.

Astrology, Mythology and The Bible: The Common...

Astrology and mythology have a common thread that leads you back to the Bible. Each constellation...

Astrology and mythology have a common thread that leads you back to the Bible. Each constellation, Capricorn through Taurus, is a picture of deliverance and holy triumph, revealing the sacrifice of Christ, the pouring out of the Spirit, the spread of the gospel, and the growth of the church. VF-2478.


The Battle of Good and Evil Declared in the Sta...

There are numerous references in the Bible to the stars.  The constellations of the zodiac are no...

There are numerous references in the Bible to the stars.  The constellations of the zodiac are not accidental or random, they depict the unfolding drama of redemption and the battle between good and evil.  The devil has been trying to thwart God’s plan, but God has already won the victory! VF-2477.


The Names of the Stars Reveal the Gospel

Before the birth of Christ and long before the gospel had unfolded on the stage of history, there...

Before the birth of Christ and long before the gospel had unfolded on the stage of history, there were names of stars in Semitic tongues.  As you move through each of the twelve zodiac signs and their surrounding signs to the north and south, each star’s name reveals the unfolding drama of the gospel. VF-2475.


Signs and Symbols of the Gospel in the Stars

The symbolism in the constellations of the zodiac and the names of the stars unfold the story of ...

The symbolism in the constellations of the zodiac and the names of the stars unfold the story of the gospel.  They point to Christ: the dual-natured One, born of a virgin, and the One who would bruise the head of the serpent.  There are many representations of the serpent because the devil manifests in many forms and tried many times to rid the earth of Christ.  But Christ is victorious.  The gospel in the stars shows us that God had a plan from the foundations of the world. VF-2474.


The Life of Christ Written in the Stars

In order to investigate the birth and life of Christ, you have to look at the internal evidences ...

In order to investigate the birth and life of Christ, you have to look at the internal evidences in the Bible. There are references to historical figures and astronomical events, as well as prophecies written hundreds of years before Christ was born. Psalm 19 states that "the heavens declare the glory of God." A study of the constellations shows how they paint a picture of the prophecies about Christ and His life. VF-2472.


Did Jesus Exist?

Disbelievers and skeptics always ask, did Jesus exist? And if so, what are the proofs? To answer,...

Disbelievers and skeptics always ask, did Jesus exist? And if so, what are the proofs? To answer, we must look first to the infancy narratives in the Bible. Whether you’re a complete skeptic, or a long-time student of the Bible, this message is filled with information to examine and consider. VF-2471.
