Pastor Scott's Study Notes

“Our Deliverance from the Wrath to Come" Study ...

The Thessalonian church had been cataclysmically changed by the message of Christ's death, Resurr...

The Thessalonian church had been cataclysmically changed by the message of Christ's death, Resurrection, and imminent return. Looking at this church gives us the confidence that we have a Deliverer, in Jesus Christ, from the wrath of God to come. The deliverances are continuous until He comes again. Pastor Scott Study Notes  “Our Deliverance from the Wrath to Come" VF-2022 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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“God's Person and the Burden they Carry” Study ...

Pastor Scott begins a series of messages on Nehemiah, a person of God sent to rebuild the walls o...

Pastor Scott begins a series of messages on Nehemiah, a person of God sent to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was God’s chosen person and because of that he had a burden for God’s work. Nehemiah earnestly prayed for God’s people and God’s place, and his prayer was answered. Pastor Scott Study Notes “A Message to the Persecuted Saints” VF-1990  Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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“A Message to the Persecuted Saints” Study Not...

Pastor Scott begins a series of messages on 1 Peter. Peter wrote to persecuted Christians who wer...

Pastor Scott begins a series of messages on 1 Peter. Peter wrote to persecuted Christians who were living amongst the populace scattered throughout Asia Minor. His letter was a message of encouragement: no matter what you face, God is with you, even when you think He is not. Pastor Scott Study Notes  “A Message to the Persecuted Saints” VF-1726 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes including DVD's are available.

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“What Should I Look for in a Church?” Study Not...

People often ask, “What should I look for in a church?” My late husband, Dr. Gene Scott, studied ...

People often ask, “What should I look for in a church?” My late husband, Dr. Gene Scott, studied under Professor Cowley at Stanford, who had developed a taxonomy for analyzing social institutions. Dr. Scott brilliantly adapted this for use in analyzing the church. In this message, I use elements of this taxonomy and provide a multiplicity of scriptural references to answer the question while defining the church’s true purpose. Pastor Scott Study Notes “What Should I Look for in a Church?” VF-...

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