Pastor Scott's God's Hand in History Study Notes
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Pastor Scott's God's Hand in History Study Notes
“India’s Connection to the Lost House of Israel...
God promised Ab...
God promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as the stars and the sand, and an examination of history shows this to be true. God is always true to His word. When we examine India’s history, linguistic connections, and cultural connections, we see that the people who settled in India had ties to Israel, and they even spread into China. ...
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“An Introduction to the Tribe of Dan” Study Not...
As an introduction...
As an introduction to the tribe of Dan, we begin by building a profile. Combining the Biblical record with history and archaeology enables us to glean insight into the character, habits, travels, and the peoples and cultures they picked up along the way. This information helps us to see the tapestry of history woven by God. “An Introduct...
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“The Phoenicians’ Influence on the Tribe of Dan...
There is eviden...
There is evidence that Dan and other tribes learned seafaring and other skills from the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were descendants of Ham who lived on the coast of the Holy Land and who sailed to many lands, engaging in mining and trade. God strategically placed them where they could pass on their skills to the tribe of Dan. “Th...
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“The Philistine Connection to the Tribe of Dan”...
In addition ...
In addition to the Phoenicians, the Philistines were a sea people that influenced the tribe of Dan. Archaeology and DNA studies confirm that the Philistines were descendants of people who had lived on Crete. A closer look at Greek mythology shows vestigial remnants of actual historical events and people with links to the Danites. ...
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“Setting the Foundation for Dan” Study Notes VF...
God scattere...
God scattered the descendants of Jacob/Israel, and they became as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand of the sea. Combining biblical and historical records, DNA evidence, and mythology, there are enough breadcrumbs to follow the tribe of Dan all over the globe: from Greece to Spain, on to Ireland, and all across Europe. ...
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“Tracing the Trail of Dan” Study Notes VF-2359
There wer...
There were multiple waves of migration from Egypt and the Levant into Europe. The tribe of Dan and others settled in Greece and at Troy, eventually spreading to Scandinavia and Britain. These lands settled by the Lost Tribes of Israel later play a crucial role in the spread of the gospel, as well as the propagation of the uncorrupted message in the last days. ...
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