Pastor Scott's Colossians Chapter 3 Study Notes
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Pastor Scott's Colossians Chapter 3 Study Notes
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Pastor Scott's Epistle of Jude Study Notes
Pastor Scott's Giving and Stewardship Study Notes
Pastor Scott's God's Hand in History Study Notes
“The Biblical Concept of Forgiveness” Study Not...
It is difficult to forgive others if we fail to understand how much God has ...
It is difficult to forgive others if we fail to understand how much God has forgiven us. Unwillingness to forgive drives a wedge between us and God, and it begins to close off our channel of communication with Him. We must completely let go of the wrongs done to us, just as Christ has forgiven us. If we walk in the Spirit, in time, we will be able to let go and forgive. “The Biblical Concept of Forgiveness” Study Notes VF-2302 Some Materials Referenced ...
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“The Love That Tethers Us to God” Study Notes V...
The unconditional agapē love that comes from God is not like human love;...
The unconditional agapē love that comes from God is not like human love; it is the fruit of the Spirit of God in us, not something we can produce in the flesh. Agapē love links us to God, and from it flow joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, kindness, generosity, and compassion. All the expressions of God’s Spirit flow from this first fruit. “The Love That Tethers Us to God” Study Notes VF-2303 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes incl...
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“Let the Peace of God Rule in Your Heart” Study...
The peace of God should be understood as something that is separate an...
The peace of God should be understood as something that is separate and distinct from peace with God. Peace with God has a connection to our salvation. The peace of God is something that comes from Him. He gives it to us as a remedy for fear, to help us stay strong in the midst of crisis. With fear coming at us from every direction, this may be one of the most important messages to help us keep our sanity, as well as our faith. “Let the Peac...
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“Giving Thanks to God: The Hallmark of the Rege...
There are abundant passages in Scripture about why we should be tha...
There are abundant passages in Scripture about why we should be thankful to the Lord. Expressing gratitude is an integral part of our faith commitment. It brings us close to God. Giving thanks to God for what He has done is the hallmark of the regenerate heart and mind. God has chosen you to make you part of His plan, and He died for you to give you eternal life. “Giving Thanks to God: The Hallmark of the Regenerate Mind” Study Notes V...
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“The Indwelling Word of Christ Completes Us” St...
If you desire the word of God, take the next step and learn it. ...
If you desire the word of God, take the next step and learn it. Let the word of Christ dwell in you and become part of your being. The indwelling word has the power to enlighten you, quench your thirst, strengthen you, wash you, build you up, and bring you to completion. Immerse yourself in it, and it will bring forth fruit in you. “The Indwelling Word of Christ Completes Us” Study Notes VF-2306 Some Materials Referenced in these...
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“Music Is an Integral Part of Worship” Study No...
Historically, there has been debate over music within the chu...
Historically, there has been debate over music within the church. A closer look at the Bible shows that music has always been a part of God’s program. Music has been used to express praise and thanksgiving to God, and to teach people His word. Music in the church is meant to be an expression of devotion from the heart. “Music Is an Integral Part of Worship” Study Notes VF-2307 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes ...
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