Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Straight Talk on Putting God First – ‘How Ya Do...

God calls us to put Him first; there will never be a time where it’s okay to put ourselves first....

God calls us to put Him first; there will never be a time where it’s okay to put ourselves first. We also don’t have the choice of going back to the way it was before we became Christians, which is going by faith and not by sight and keeping our commitments of both time and money. Finally, any ministry in this world that has nothing but an upward spiral, and never has any setbacks, is simply not God’s ministry because the faithful church ministry will be attacked by the enemy. Haggai 1. VF-06...


The Circle of Psychology, Part 7: Christ Our Ki...

In the Book of Ruth, Ruth typifies humanity’s lost inheritance and Boaz typifies the kinsman rede...

In the Book of Ruth, Ruth typifies humanity’s lost inheritance and Boaz typifies the kinsman redeemer who must have the means to redeem and willingly pay the price of redemption. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament Law and became the Living Word that broke the partition between humankind and God. That allowed God access once again to humanity without compromising His integrity and put the same life that raised Christ from the dead in us. It was not the perfect life of Christ that rede...


The Circle of Psychology, Part 6: Sin, Spiritua...

As we grow up, a Generalized Other forms in the Judicial Side of our personality consisting of wh...

As we grow up, a Generalized Other forms in the Judicial Side of our personality consisting of what we have come to believe is ethically right and wrong in society. The traditional, legalistic church tries to take the place of the Generalized Other where the good is God’s word, but this just transfers applied, disciplined, moral behavior that the world accepts and calls ethical and applies it to a new set of rules, which the church we belong to approves. It’s the same business on the other si...


The Circle of Psychology, Part 5: The Power of ...

It takes a miracle of God’s grace within, renewed daily, to make the giving to God motive gush fo...

It takes a miracle of God’s grace within, renewed daily, to make the giving to God motive gush forward. It cannot be commanded. When the Spirit life dominates, it will make you into a giver like the Philippians who begged with much begging, though they were poor, to participate with their money in spreading the Gospel of Christ. That’s why satan wants to get Christians back into will-worship and comparison of good works, so that they will stop faithing. This stops Christ from being formed in ...


The Resurrection: Why I Believe in Jesus Christ...

If you’re going to have an opinion about Christ and the Resurrection, base it on some facts. Reli...

If you’re going to have an opinion about Christ and the Resurrection, base it on some facts. Religion can be thought about in a disciplined way. You can approach Christianity with the same set of mental gears that you do any other historical fact because the claim of Christianity is that God was in Christ. Jesus proved who He was with the astounding event of the Resurrection. There is no Christ to be found in historical records who doesn’t say ridiculous things about Himself that preclude Him...


The Circle of Psychology, Part 4: The Gospel Th...

We become a new creation in Christ Jesus when Christ is formed in our hearts by our faith. Romans...

We become a new creation in Christ Jesus when Christ is formed in our hearts by our faith. Romans 8:1 makes it clear that there is no ultimate damnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. The King James translators could not yield the point that this is a miraculous transformation, and they added the second part of Romans 8:1, which cannot be found in any of the original Greek uncial manuscripts: “who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.” The traditional church has always made an ef...
