Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us

The Tabernacle teaches that we have help in Christ.  When adversity and defeat come we often inqu...

The Tabernacle teaches that we have help in Christ.  When adversity and defeat come we often inquire of each other what is wrong but don't inquire of God. Turn to God at first to save time, pain, and trouble. But always keep a healthy fear and respect for God. Don't take Him for granted or treat Him lightly or casually. We are to draw near to Him with the whole heart and walk and abide in Him. I Samuel 4, 6, 7; 2 Samuel 6. LF-0061. © Copyright 1977  


There Is No Let-Up in This Battle of Faith - Ever!

Dr. Scott reminds us that we are still in warfare and never expect our battles to cease. We are t...

Dr. Scott reminds us that we are still in warfare and never expect our battles to cease. We are to put on the whole armour of God, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."  Whatever battle we are facing, "The Lord is our banner" and the victory is His.  Ephesians 6:12-13; Romans 8:37; Psalm 91:11.  VF-0090  © Copyright 1978


The Third Tabernacle

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: The Third Tabernacle- Let Us Make Man In Our Image  Hebrews 9.  L...

Dr. Scott teaches from Hebrews: The Third Tabernacle- Let Us Make Man In Our Image  Hebrews 9.  LF-0056    © Copyright 1977


The Tabernacle

There was a Life worth more than all the lives of man put together that one day, in the fullness ...

There was a Life worth more than all the lives of man put together that one day, in the fullness of time, would pay the penalty of man’s sin and die on a hill and restore the relationship by paying the penalty and thereby breaching the gap that God might now come to find the lost sheep and take up his habitation and abode in relation with us again. Hebrews 8.  LF-0050  © Copyright 1977


The Difference Between Justify, Sanctify and Ri...

Dr. Scott teaches from Romans the difference between justification, righteousness, and sanctifica...

Dr. Scott teaches from Romans the difference between justification, righteousness, and sanctification.  Salvation is by Faith; all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. The Truth is in Christ, and there is no other Truth apart from Him.  The Book of Romans is the full revelation of what this Christian walk should be.  Faith is what pleases God.   Romans 3, 8.  LF-0198    © Copyright 1981 


A Relationship Of Faith

Only one person in history kept the Law perfectly, and through Him, by grace, and for Faith, will...

Only one person in history kept the Law perfectly, and through Him, by grace, and for Faith, will the Holy Spirit come in and abide in us.  Our works are as filthy rags; Jesus declares that the just shall live by Faith. The Holy Spirit helps with our infirmities, we don't know how to pray as we ought.  "I don't have to speak in tongues to know the Holy Spirit is in me".  But God declares that we have not because we ask not; sometimes God requires an asking voice before executing His Word.    ...
