Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD

Sin and The Kinsman Redeemer

There are four qualities necessary for a kinsman to redeem a lost inheritance: be near of kin, ha...

There are four qualities necessary for a kinsman to redeem a lost inheritance: be near of kin, have the price of redemption, voluntarily pay the redemption price, and actually pay it.  Jesus, as the substance of God’s life, struck a tent in human flesh and became near of kin. He lived the perfect life and fulfilled the Law thus having the second quality price of redemption.  He could have gone back to heaven (as witnessed by His prayer in John 17) in obedience to the Father and had his glory ...


Now Faith – The Message of Salvation

The lost message of the church: God wants to fill the void in eternity left by satan and his ange...

The lost message of the church: God wants to fill the void in eternity left by satan and his angels when a third of heaven was cast out and became the evil spirits and He wants to fill that void with those who trust Him.  God is giving the gift of salvation to "faithers". VF-0401. © Copyright 1984.


Romans Series 1 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 1

Using Greek grammar, Dr. Scott illustrates how "Paul of Christ," "slave of Christ," "called of Ch...

Using Greek grammar, Dr. Scott illustrates how "Paul of Christ," "slave of Christ," "called of Christ," "sent of Christ," "apostle of Christ," and "centered on Christ" are synonyms. Christ is his master and he is separated to the gospel. VF-1157. © Copyright 1999.


Faith Abounding (Part 2)

Colossians 2:7 clearly states that we are rooted in Christ, not a set of traditions and rules. Hu...

Colossians 2:7 clearly states that we are rooted in Christ, not a set of traditions and rules. Humility is an attitudinal relationship between yourself and God, not between others and yourself. The traditional church does not want to lift up the head, Christ Jesus, but instead wants to worship their own will and ability to act humble, which Paul calls "satisfying of the flesh." Colossians 2. VF-0389. © Copyright 1984


The Sabbath and Sabbathing – Obtaining Rest

Every sin in the past, present, and future was laid on Christ Jesus, our Mediator. We are laborin...

Every sin in the past, present, and future was laid on Christ Jesus, our Mediator. We are laboring to enter into the rest, or promise obtained, when we cease from our works and trust God that Jesus paid it all on Calvary. When we lean on Christ’s righteousness given to us, because of our trust, we are Sabbathing. There remaineth a Sabbath for the children of God and we enter into it when we claim the promises from the word of God and hang on until obtained. Colossians 2; Leviticus 23; Hebrews...


Paul’s Labor vs. James’ Conformity

The Book of James and Paul’s writings cannot be reconciled; James means exactly what he said: I s...

The Book of James and Paul’s writings cannot be reconciled; James means exactly what he said: I show my faith by my works. James is talking about keeping the Old Testament Law when he says, “faith without works is dead.” James did not know Greek well, whereas Paul was the scholar. According to the meaning of Greek word “pistis,” you cannot have faith without action that is based upon a promise of God. Acts 21. VF-0390. © Copyright 1984.
