Dr. Gene Scott Classic Teaching on DVD
Galatians: We Are Heirs, Called by the Spirit, ...
In Galatians 4, Paul is conveying that we are no longer under the Old Testament Law and now that ...
In Galatians 4, Paul is conveying that we are no longer under the Old Testament Law and now that we are heirs of God through Christ, it is an insult to our salvation to go back to the weak and beggarly elements of that old schoolmaster that was nailed to Calvary’s cross. God never intended for the Old Testament Law to be kept by anybody other than His own Son, and it was not designed as something to be done but as a schoolmaster to teach the impossibility of rising to God’s standard in order ...
Galatians: The Life of God's Spirit vs. The Law
Messengers sent God's Old Testament Law to Moses. God's Law, as Life Incarnate, came as Christ. ...
Messengers sent God's Old Testament Law to Moses. God's Law, as Life Incarnate, came as Christ. The Old Testament view is horizontal; the New Testament looks up at God's standard and proclaims that all have sinned and short fallen and the wages of sin is death, but the law Incarnate (Jesus) dies in our place. So, we are no longer children of the bond woman (characterized by Agar and her child Ishmael) but children of the free woman (characterized by Sarah and her child Isaac). Therefore, ...
Galatians: The History, Purpose, and Effects of...
The Old Testament Law was never ever intended by God to be kept by anyone other than His Son, bec...
The Old Testament Law was never ever intended by God to be kept by anyone other than His Son, because He knew that it could not be kept without His life to empower. The Old Testament Law is a schoolmaster to teach us that we cannot do it; and even with a knowledge of right and wrong and a desire to do right, we still cannot keep the Law. Now for our faith in Christ Jesus we are God's children; and therefore justified and no longer in need of a schoolmaster. God puts His life in us by His g...
The Old Testament Law, which reveals God's standard, does not have life and there is no possibili...
The Old Testament Law, which reveals God's standard, does not have life and there is no possibility of the preaching and practice of legalism to ever bring humankind to God's level of righteousness. God's life is necessary to give us the power (dunamis, dynamite) to rise to His standard. That's the tragedy of what satan's perversion of the church's message has accomplished: a church in name without God's life. The perverted church can only produce what the Old Testament Law was designed to...
Galatians: Christ Hath Redeemed Us
Galatians 3:13 lets us know we were underneath a curse that was falling and there was no way of e...
Galatians 3:13 lets us know we were underneath a curse that was falling and there was no way of escape until Jesus allowed Himself to be made a curse over us, protecting us from certain death and then His death making the Old Testament Law of none effect upon those of us who faithe in Him. So now, not only did Christ protect us from the curse of the Old Testament Law, salvation is no longer based on our works but instead comes upon us through faith in and the faith of Christ Jesus. Galatians ...
Galatians: Faith Is the Only Way
In Galatians 3, Paul is making it clear that it was always about faith. Abraham, the father of fa...
In Galatians 3, Paul is making it clear that it was always about faith. Abraham, the father of faith who lived before the Old Testament Law was given to Moses, was accounted righteousness for his faith and was even given a promise that in him would all nations be blessed. Paul says that all these nations will be blessed when they have the same faith as Abraham but there was one caveat remaining until now: Christ had to redeem us from the curse of the Old Testament Law. Now, because no one is ...