
“Who Belongs to Judah?” Study Notes VF-2371


When speaking of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, we are referring to two separate and distinct groups of people. And when we speak of the people of the South called “Judah,” we cannot refer to them all as “Jews.” Making these distinctions helps us to figure out who actually belongs to Judah, and also what happened to the royal line after the last king of Judah was overthrown. ...

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“Who Moved the Elect” Study Notes VF-1727

Pastor Scott continues her series on 1 Peter. The oldest manuscripts show the word “elect” in ver...

Pastor Scott continues her series on 1 Peter. The oldest manuscripts show the word “elect” in verse 1. Erasmus moved the word “elect” next to the words “the foreknowledge of God.” Peter was simply saying that we were chosen. He was not making a complicated statement about the doctrine of election. Peter taught that all the experiences we go through as Christians are for the trying of our faith. Real Christians will suffer and labor through life, but God uses it all for His glory. Pastor Scott...

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“Why I Am Who I Am in Christ” Study Notes VF-2279

We cannot understand the problems of today without looking to history. Church history is fu...

We cannot understand the problems of today without looking to history. Church history is full of examples of the traditions of men being substituted for God’s word and the message of salvation by faith in Christ. The Protestant Reformation sought to bring people back to the pure source of the word, but even the Protestant Church has its add-ons. Study the word and focus on your personal relationship with God. He will transform your life. “Why I Am Who I Am in Christ” Study Notes VF-...

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“Why on Earth Does God Forgive?” Study Notes VF...

Pastor Scott continues teaching from the book of Nehemiah: Through Nehemiah 9:26–31 and Psalm 106...

Pastor Scott continues teaching from the book of Nehemiah: Through Nehemiah 9:26–31 and Psalm 106, we have a mirror to show us the wickedness of fallen man and our own sinning ways. If God knows and sees all this, why does He forgive? He forgives for His name’s sake. God is still saving people today for simple faith in the name of Jesus Christ. Copyright © 2021, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.  All Rights Reserved  “Why on Earth Does God Forgive?” Study Notes VF-2013 Some Materials Referenced in ...

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“Why We Are Protestants” Study Notes VF-2408

What happened to the church following Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and Ascension that it drifte...

What happened to the church following Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and Ascension that it drifted so far from its original mission to teach and make learners? Concepts that are nowhere to be found in Scripture were added on and introduced as doctrine. The Protestant Reformation was necessary because the church had failed in its mission and its message. But the modern church needs to be reminded why we are Protestants, because we are due for a reformation. “Why We Are Protestants” Study Note...

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“With God’s Purpose Comes His Word of Promise” ...

Pastor Scott looks at dimensions of Christ’s work revealed in the Old Testament shadows and types...

Pastor Scott looks at dimensions of Christ’s work revealed in the Old Testament shadows and types. This message focuses on Genesis 22 and Abraham’s willingness to submit to the trial of offering his only begotten son. When we go through trials in our lives, we often wonder about the purpose of it all. God has a purpose for our trials. If we trust Him and His word of promise, He will bring us through to victory. Pastor Scott Study Notes for “With God’s Purpose Comes His Word of Promise”  VF-21...

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