
“An Introduction to the Tribe of Dan” Study Not...

As an introduction...

As an introduction to the tribe of Dan, we begin by building a profile. Combining the Biblical record with history and archaeology enables us to glean insight into the character, habits, travels, and the peoples and cultures they picked up along the way. This information helps us to see the tapestry of history woven by God. “An Introduct...

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“And Enoch Also Prophesied of These….” Study No...

Pastor Scott continues her series in Jude. Jude points out from an apocryphal source that Enoch s...

Pastor Scott continues her series in Jude. Jude points out from an apocryphal source that Enoch spoke and prophesied of these ungodly people who creep into the church and pervert the message of the gospel. They preach a doctrine of no consequences for our actions rather than no ultimate condemnation to those in Christ. We are frail, filthy sinners, but we are saved by grace from God’s wrath because Jesus paid the price for us. Jude’s examples out of the Old Testament and future prophecy show ...

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“At the Judgment, Where Will You Be?” Study Not...

Revelation 20 recounts the last recorded history of peoples on earth. There is abundant inform...

Revelation 20 recounts the last recorded history of peoples on earth. There is abundant information in both the Old and New Testaments on the final judgment that will occur at the end of times. Every person will stand before God to give account, and only He knows the heart. The wicked will be judged at the great white throne, but those who trust Christ will not be condemned. “At the Judgment, Where Will You Be?” Study Notes VF-2238 Some Materials Referenced in these Study Notes includi...

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“Atonement: Made Complete by the Blood of Chris...

In the Old Testament, in order to be made right with God, there was a temporary way into God’s pr...

In the Old Testament, in order to be made right with God, there was a temporary way into God’s presence once a year on the Day of Atonement. This set time was reoccurring and was something that God laid out as a shadow that pointed to the shed blood of Christ, which was sufficient to cover us once and for all. His shed blood, unlike any other blood sacrifice, had and still has the power to wash and cleanse us, to forgive, to restore, to reconcile, and to bring us back into communion and fello...

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“Authentic Christianity is Focused on Christ” ...

Pastor Scott continues her series on the book of Colossians with the eighth message in Colossians...

Pastor Scott continues her series on the book of Colossians with the eighth message in Colossians 2. The apostle Paul emphasizes that those who have faith in Jesus Christ are buried with Him in baptism and are also risen with Him through that faith. Christ has provided the way and the door to the forgiveness of our trespasses and to our salvation. We do not need to adopt the ceremonies of the Old Testament or the traditions of the world to be united with Christ. We cannot add to His performan...

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“Being Renewed in the Knowledge of God” Study N...

God is renewing our minds, giving us knowledge of Him that will benefit us in our ...

God is renewing our minds, giving us knowledge of Him that will benefit us in our walk of faith. When we have knowledge of Him, our desires begin to change, and we recognize the reality of our former state in Adam and our new standing in Christ. In Him, the cultural and social distinctions that were once barriers are broken down. We are all one body in Christ, growing in the knowledge of Him. “Being Renewed in the Knowledge of God” Study Notes VF-2300 Some Material...

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