Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 17


Collections: Dr. Gene Scott - Books, Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Series Volumes 1-24

Product type: BOOK

Vendor: Dolores Press



God’s calling is serious business because it has eternal consequences.  The good news is that God doesn’t demand perfection; He wants trust.  Perfection is not possible, but trust is possible! 

In this collection of sermons, Dr. Gene Scott clearly lays out the demands and eternal benefits of God’s calling.  Learn what the Bible really teaches about your relationship with God and what to do when everything seems to be falling apart.  Dr. Scott addresses such vital questions as:  What is faith?  What is God’s purpose for man?  Why does God let bad things happen?  How can you know if you are in the will of God?  What did the apostle Paul conclude was the one indisputable proof that God’s Spirit resides in you? 

Dr. Gene Scott takes the most profound Bible truths and communicates them to people right where they live.  The Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit series will help you grow in God’s grace as you study along with one of the great Bible teachers of modern times.   Hardcover  315 pages   ISBN 978-1-60670-017-4      Item #DGSPUL17  

Table of Contents

Chapter 1    The Faith That Saves

Chapter 2    Grace, Peace, and Faith

Chapter 3    Touch Not God’s Anointed

Chapter 4    The ABCs of Faith and the Danger of "Facting"

Chapter 5    The Benefits of Faith: Eternity versus Here and Now

Chapter 6    The Tithe is the Lord's

Chapter 7    Faith Looks Forward!

Chapter 8    The Rewards of Faith

Chapter 9    The Force of Sin versus the Action of Faith

Chapter 10   Redouble Your Faith!

Chapter 11   Elijah: Stand Up for God

Chapter 12   The Called and Chosen: Our Responsibility

Chapter 13   The Called and Chosen: Our Calling

Chapter 14   The Called and Chosen: Our Hope

Chapter 15   The Called and Chosen: Our Destiny

Chapter 16   "Lift Up Now Thine Eyes"

Chapter 17   The Effort of Faith and the Alternative of Hell

Chapter 18   God Is Being Himself

Chapter 19   There Is No Stopping Point in God's Program

Chapter 20   Fret Not: The Promise Is from God

Chapter 21   Blessed Men Go through Valleys