Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 18
How are you supposed to relate to God when your life's circumstances come crashing down on you? Even if you are following God, you often find yourself bottomed out or in a place of famine. Why does He allow these things to happen? Learn what the Bible teaches about how God enters in to your trials to bring forth His likeness in you!
The church at large has long since departed from the original intentions of its Founder, Jesus Christ. This is especially true regarding the subject of money. Giving has been abused and caricatured until it has been reduced to a shameful thing to be apologized for; but God intended giving to be an expression of worship. Learn what the Bible really teaches about what your giving means to Him!
Dr. Gene Scott takes the most profound Bible truths and communicates them to people right where they live. The Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit series will help you grow in God's grace as you study along with one of the great Bible teachers of modern times. Hardcover 307 pages ISBN 978-1-60670-018-1 Item #DGSPUL18
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Unseen Angelic Helper
Chapter 2 "Why Art Thou Cast Down, O My Soul?" God Is in Control!
Chapter 3 The Mercy and Righteousness God Gives for Faith
Chapter 4 Joseph: Tried by the Word of the Lord
Chapter 5 In God's Strength, We Will Sing
Chapter 6 The Lord Is My Refuge: I Shall Not Be Afraid
Chapter 7 The Damnable Doctrine of Perfectionism
Chapter 8 The Futility of the Law versus the Power of God's Grace
Chapter 9 New Life in Christ versus Spiritual Pride
Chapter 10 Sin, the Law, and the Kinsman Redeemer
Chapter 11 Faith: The Simple Action of Real Christianity
Chapter 12 Start Over with Full Intensity of Faith
Chapter 13 The Resurrection: The Basis of our Faith
Chapter 14 Giving: The Tithing Principle
Chapter 15 Giving: The Church's Reason for Being
Chapter 16 Giving: Perpetually Center Stage in the God/Man Relationship
Chapter 17 Giving: The Table of Showbread
Chapter 18 Giving: Set on the Same Level as God's Gift to Us
Chapter 19 Giving: From A to Z, A Sweet Savor That God Likes