Your Traditions Have Made Void the Word of God 8-Disc DVD Set
What happened to the church following Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension? The church has drifted far from its original mission. Concepts that are nowhere to be found in Scripture started to be added on and introduced as church doctrine. Fast forward to today's church and it is clear that we need to be reminded of why we are Protestants, because we are due for another reformation.
Disc 1: Why We Are Protestants
Disc 2: God Doesn't Come from Dogma
Disc 3: Peter Is NOT the Rock
Disc 4: God Does Not Require Celibacy
Disc 5: Understanding Communion: Truth vs. Traditions
Disc 6: We Are Not Saved by Good Works
Disc 7: The Law Imprisons; Grace Sets You Free
Disc 8: In Meekness, Teach the Truth Rooted in Christ