The Potter is Going To Get What He Wants
God took some of the toughest men: Jeremiah, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Paul; to the potter's house to teach them, in drama, what the life in relationship to God is supposed to be. Using the Keswick method, Dr. Scott lays out the Principle, Purpose, Process, and Person. God as the Potter, is the boss: He's going to get what He wants. He has a plan for you, and there will never be another you. He puts us on a wheel that doesn't fit, shaping us through our life circumstances. The last reference to the Potter's House in scripture was that the 30 pieces of silver, the price of Jesus' life, bought a potter's field, the place where all the broken and rejected pots were discarded. The price of Christ's life was the redemption of all of us broken and rejected pots. Jeremiah 18, Isaiah 29, Zechariah 11, Matthew 27:7, Romans 9. VF-0989 © Copyright 1996