The Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes
Daring men and women aren’t just found in the pages of fictional stories. In fact, history offers us a number of examples of people who stood up for what was right in the face of significant opposition. Their stories can inspire us to also be courageous when the situation calls for it.
Whether the problem is a large one, like a dictatorial state or a cultural prejudice, or a small one, such as standing up to a bully, we can resolve to be a hero and fight for what is right.
That’s why the stories in this book are so impactful—they offer us an opportunity to learn lessons from the lives of a wide variety of people and ponder how we might have acted in a similar situation.
These heroes often stand out because so many of their peers failed to act likewise. Sadly, too few seem to have the courage to oppose something that is wrong. But these stories can help us prepare to be counted as someone who will choose the right!
Hardcover: 246 pages. ISBN: 978-1-943521-54-8
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