Pastor Scott's Colossians Chapter 2 Study Notes

“The Sin and Trespass Offerings Point to Christ...

The sin and trespass offerings were God’s dispensation in the Old Testament to ...

The sin and trespass offerings were God’s dispensation in the Old Testament to address the fallen condition of mankind. We all have a need for purification, and the individual acts of wrongdoing we commit are the fruit of this condition. As with all the other offerings, the sin and trespass offerings were shadows and types pointing to Christ. God had Christ in mind from the beginning, and because of His sacrifice, we have a new dispensation if we trust in Him and the efficac...

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“Our Spiritual Foes Disarmed at the Cross” Stud...

In Colossians, the apostle Paul is laying out good information to refute dis...

In Colossians, the apostle Paul is laying out good information to refute disinformation. He shows that Christ did everything, including disarming our spiritual foes at the cross. This does not mean the enemy became powerless. It means the cross has made their fate definite: their end will come. Until that day comes, we must keep fighting the fight of faith. As Christ got the victory, so shall we. "Our Spiritual Foes Disarmed at the Cross” Study Notes VF-2290 ...

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“Let No Man Judge You, You Are Free in Christ” ...

Most people today view religion as a set of rules and regulations they ha...

Most people today view religion as a set of rules and regulations they have to keep, but this is not the message of the New Testament. We are told to let no one judge us in what we do or don’t do, as well as not to judge others who are weak in their faith or understanding. The law was given to set people apart for God’s purpose, but we now have a better covenant in Jesus Christ. We are no longer under the curse of the law, so why would anyone want to go back under it? ...

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“The Sabbath Day Was Nailed to the Cross” Study...

Let no man judge you regarding the keeping of the Sabbath and holidays. We have...

Let no man judge you regarding the keeping of the Sabbath and holidays. We have many traditions, even those reflected in our calendar, that come to us out of pagan sun and moon worship. Traditions that have nothing to do with Scripture should not be part of the church. There is also no reason to keep Old Testament Sabbath practices, because we have a new form of Sabbath rest in the finished work of Christ. “The Sabbath Day Was Nailed to the Cross” Study Notes VF-2292 ...

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“Sabbathing: From Creation to Christianity” Stu...

God’s Sabbath was when He rested from all His work on the seventh day of Cre...

God’s Sabbath was when He rested from all His work on the seventh day of Creation, but the term “sabbath” was first used when God gave the children of Israel a day to rest from their work, which turned into a commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt. The sabbathing of the Christian is not limited to a single day but is a relationship of trusting Christ every day. “Sabbathing: From Creation to Christianity” Study Notes VF-2293 Colossians Chapter 2 S...

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“Let No One Rob You of Your Reward” Study Notes...

What happened in the church at Colossae is still happening in the church ...

What happened in the church at Colossae is still happening in the church today: false teachers have added on to the simplicity of the gospel. The add-ons may appear to be superspiritual, like the worshiping of angels and claiming to have received visions, but in reality, they are fake and serve only to distract. Let no one rob you of your reward, which comes by simple faith in Jesus Christ. “Let No One Rob You of Your Reward” Study Notes VF-2294 C...

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