The Kinsman Redeemer

The Kinsman Redeemer, The Wall of Sin Broken Down

The Law of the Kinsman Redeemer shows us that our Redeemer had to be someone related to us by blo...

The Law of the Kinsman Redeemer shows us that our Redeemer had to be someone related to us by blood, with the means to pay the price. He had to do it voluntarily, and then He must actually go through with it. Jesus fulfilled all of this. In this we see not only God's love for us, but also His integrity to His word and we know we can trust Him. His word is forever settled in heaven. Ephesians 1, 2. VF-0355. © Copyright 1983.


We're All Sinners Being Saved By Grace

This is a message to outsiders and those who feel that they don’t fit in: Four 'sinners' are hig...

This is a message to outsiders and those who feel that they don’t fit in: Four 'sinners' are highlighted to show God’s grace and how He uses 'unacceptable people' for His great plan of Redemption, through His own Son, Jesus Christ. Matthew 1. VF-1818
